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Topic: ??
Rose41's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:48 AM

am here as well..slept 4 hours woke up still half asleep went back to bed just tossed and turned came back on here happy

welcome back rose i fell asleep in my car for about an hour waiting for my friends laugh
laugh laugh and ty bud

link97my's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:48 AM

somebody shoot me please, put a bullet in my head.

give me a gun devil drinker

well if I have to give ya a gun, then we are gonna have us a wild west gun fight...psss you get the revolver, I get the automatic..its the rules.

well you can play cowboys and indians by your self

link97my's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:49 AM
but im still tired yawn

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:49 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 02/03/08 02:49 AM
im here..but thats becoz it only mid morning!! ive had my sleep, suz dont you ever sleep girl?? you must be exhausted love?

link97my's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:49 AM
too much crack

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:51 AM

im here..but thats becoz it only mid morning!! ive had my sleep, suz dont you ever sleep girl?? you must be exhausted love?

Oh I sleep plenty I just dont completely log out of jsh

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:54 AM
laugh its just i see you saying nite evryone and then an hr your back!! lol and you still have your arms up in the air?? dont they ever get tired??laugh laugh

Jill298's photo
Sun 02/03/08 02:55 AM

somebody shoot me please, put a bullet in my head.
oh come on... why would you say that?

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:00 AM

laugh its just i see you saying nite evryone and then an hr your back!! lol and you still have your arms up in the air?? dont they ever get tired??laugh laugh

Well I can't explain that one, I am usually gone for 3hrs or so. Every once in a while I come right back. And I am working on a new pic, just gotta get a friend to do it for me, my computer sucks.

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:02 AM

laugh its just i see you saying nite evryone and then an hr your back!! lol and you still have your arms up in the air?? dont they ever get tired??laugh laugh

Well I can't explain that one, I am usually gone for 3hrs or so. Every once in a while I come right back. And I am working on a new pic, just gotta get a friend to do it for me, my computer sucks.
suz your sweet love..everytime i see your foto it just makes me smile...i think god her arms must really ache!! lol

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:08 AM
Nah, only when I use my manual chair, (which I am now come to think of itlaugh ) so maybe a little

Jill298's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:14 AM

laugh its just i see you saying nite evryone and then an hr your back!! lol and you still have your arms up in the air?? dont they ever get tired??laugh laugh

Well I can't explain that one, I am usually gone for 3hrs or so. Every once in a while I come right back. And I am working on a new pic, just gotta get a friend to do it for me, my computer sucks.
Suz... get yourself a web cam then take your own pics happy

sum14u2c's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:16 AM
good morning/evening all...been to sleep & up for the day, might nap before the game tho drinker

link97my's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:19 AM
morning all

Jill298's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:22 AM

morning all
morning :tongue:

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:23 AM

laugh its just i see you saying nite evryone and then an hr your back!! lol and you still have your arms up in the air?? dont they ever get tired??laugh laugh

Well I can't explain that one, I am usually gone for 3hrs or so. Every once in a while I come right back. And I am working on a new pic, just gotta get a friend to do it for me, my computer sucks.
Suz... get yourself a web cam then take your own pics happy

My computer is not compatible with any webcam. It is really crappy I tell you

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