Topic: Poems about seasons
Hitekker's photo
Sun 12/10/06 07:24 AM
Hey, anybody out there got a poem about about a season? let's compare.

Hitekker's photo
Sun 12/10/06 07:28 AM
Well, I'll get the ball rolling! This poem is called "Green Dreams":

Green Dreams

Subconscious emerald
Cool gray-matter grass
Cerebral sassafras
Wafts memories like root beer air
Into dense, white-matter clouds

Green Dreams
Surreal azure
Mirrors reflect mind’s peridot skies
Ideas: liquid jade
Telegraph knowing like olive eyes

Virtual flavors, granny smith and kiwi
Press on lucid lips
Exotic apparition of a kiss
All senses wide awake
But reality sleeps

Green Dreams?
The patina on quiet life

Hitekker's photo
Sun 12/10/06 07:42 AM
Ok, no response to "green Dreams" yet. See if you like this one:

Myriads of Fall’s Ulysses

The chill of Autumn animates leaves –
they fall, then sail a sea of night
Multi-colored rafts take flight
To crash on varied distant shores.

Each leaf, a brave Ulysses
Seeking shelter from a breeze gone wrong:
Each propelled by a Siren’s song
Each knows not what lies in store

So, oblivious, they surf the wind
Tossed where ever currents throw
And, sadly, their Siren’s know
Their voyages are soon to end

The harsh fate of the little rafts?
Battered, broken on ancient rock
Drenched with icy rain, the shock
Renders them unable to ascend

So myriads of Fall’s Ulysses
Slowly turn to future soil
To aid the Sirens, whose only toil
Is to sing of Autumns yet to come

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:09 AM
winds of summer, breezes blowing,
sounds of slumber,dreams of knowing,
were this bloom of cotton wood,
fly your plume of feeling good,
written high the Luminary's word,
flitter by as a canary bird,
flutter by,oh butterfly,
winds of summers softest breeze,
hey and pollen evokes a sneeze,
keep 'em callin' for more tease,
winds of summer,feel this breeze,
when this morning did begin,
deer feeding a meadow,
wolves in a den,
we're feelin' mellow,
let us begin,
If I may not contemplate,
only wish to explicate,
no not to just castigate,
if I may not complicate,
is no hurry,none be late,
try not to hesitate,
tho this outre,
did just bend,
allow th malestrom,
to please just end,
summer storms upon th land,
give your water unto th sand,
pass around your loving hand,
pour it down upon th land,
hate to go in such a pain,
into th ground not in vain,
let us feel your summer rain.....M.

iceprincess's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:22 AM
very pretty both of you guys they paint very vivid pictures

Hitekker's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:32 AM
Thanks iceprincess!
And Michael...thanks for playing and you play well!!

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:52 AM
some have called me a road scholar,I call me a learned poet...

iceprincess's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:54 AM
nah dreamer is much better

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:58 PM

in the season,some say FALL,
chill winds flow feel it call,
lonely how he still walks at all,
upon a rock,he must stand tall,
living for his one true call,
looking for this one and all,
Mother Earth,please give birth,
throw your breast into your worth,
grow your best our planet earth,
know our test to save your birth,
grow your best to save our earth,

ready now for winters birth,
colors change,dry leaves to dirt,
bear goes in,finding Den,
th' lone wolf howels begin,
in the fall the trees and all,
skeletons all,standing tall,
wonders how they walked at all,
cold wind on th' leafless bough,
I walked forever,not knowing how,
searching paths of lonely soul,
dreaming fast for True Loves goal,

save us now this gift of birth,
forgive us how,our lonely worth,
to give us now our newest birth,
teach him how to know this earth