Topic: The One That Slipped Away---Spin Cycles | |
Consider this—Cycles seems to be a very prevalent and continuous characteristic in society and the universe as a whole—Perhaps we can look at it in terms of the people we let slip away—She's the one that got away—have you ever asked yourself that question—sit down and reflect—of all people that I had a chance to be with--- Why didn't I snag that one???—Careful!!! for as the opportunity arises if you let it slip away and allow that person to fade—you may have a life long unanswered question.
When it comes to people and connections perhaps things and events operate in cycles-- but these of course may not be simple cycles—given all the random variables that can occur in the determination of the outcome of an event—I can easily argue that if these cycles do exist then they must be very intricate and complex in nature-- Sure enough in general most things revolve and usually follow some general pattern -- the day turns to night and the weeks turn to months. When it comes to people, romance and connections it is possible that we can look at this construct in a very similar way to that of the planets where we as individuals have our own cycle—a cycle which at some point in time may place one object in close proximity to the other object-- random circumstances occur that makes this close spatial distribution of objects conducive for an interaction to take place—In this construct I consider "us" to be the objects--- In which case maybe we can give the general description of the cycles that we revolve around as "fate" Now as much as this randomness of fate assist in placing the two people in close spatial proximity to each other, the onus is really on the person to solidify the connection!!-- It is up to the positive attributes of the two particular individuals at the given time to take advantage of the opportunity that their "cycle" has rendered—Even though all the forces of nature have acted and these people are placed in close proximity to each other ----sometimes the positive attributes are not present which will allow the two individuals to separate instead of uniting —One can consider the unison of two individuals in a new path as a divergence form their original solo path--- How exciting it is to meet someone and fall into the cloud 9 syndrome-- want to spin around every lamp post like in a Frank Sinatra movie-- How exciting and fulfilling it must be to just experience the novelty of romance!! ----Abandon the hackneyed, dry, insipid, boring solo path you once walked and wake up with someone you connected with and fill the day with the simple things that end up bringing a more deeper meaning and purpose for your own existence!!! You become cognizant that your mere presence around this individual makes them happy!! What an amazing experience!!! Unfortunately, even if it is the case where one positive attribute is present and the other is absent-- the connection may not happen even if the spin cycle creates a likely probability of such taking place-- It seems to me that even if there's a positive aptitude of one person to invigilate and encourage a romantic connection, if there's a negative attribute or lack of enthusiasm or aptitude of the other person to interact – then the connection is not made— There shall be NO Frank Sinatra Swinging around the posts today!!!! Doesn't matter how many flowers he sends you or how many times he calls, don't matter how great of a guy he may be for you-- if you decide to "act the fool" then the connection may not be established-- even if he was the best match you'll ever have!!! In this case—the negative overrides the positive!!. Since it takes two ** to make a thing go right!!!!** If the connection fails the people/individuals are stuck to their original solo paths -----they have eliminated a potential possibility to have novel new experiences, endure bouts of happiness and enlightenment, spawned from a simple lack of enthusiasm at some critical point in an embryonic stage of a seemingly fragile initial interaction!! Thus, the only way the individual can dissociate from their "singles" path is if there's a unison of the two people--- and in order for that to happen their must have two positive attributes from each person-- In the larger scheme of things the spin cycles are in some continuous motion thus there are only "windows" of opportunity-- i.e.- there's a time limit in which a favorable interaction/romance between the two individuals can take place --remember that the proverbial sands of time constantly fall from the hour glass and life shall/situations and opportunites shall never be static!!-- Thus, this window of opportunity constantly closes as the cycle progresses and after the window has closed if the connection is not made (fragile as it is) then the people start to drift apart-- Certainly any adult who has had their heart broken or had a lost love can relate to this. Especially when you sit in your darkened chamber of self reflection and you examine your emotional naked self with the critical eye of introspection.. After all is said and done all that's left is a faded memory and the thoughts of what if??-- what if the two people had positive attributes and the connection was made—where would I be now?? This is a question that has been asked by people over and over through the course of time—it is something that they usually keep to themselves and this question usually rears it's unanswerable head at the worst possible time. Usually when they realize that the 24th hour is upon them and they sit in the same romantic and emotional seat that they started out in decades ago.. Single and alone! Or perhaps this thought may haunt them at the time of some dissociation or troubled period with their current partner or when they're by themselves and they realize that they are missing out on life by not having a counterpart—a person that they can connect with and share their life with-- well that question "what if" may never be answered-- hence we have invented the ever so sad phrase—she/he was the one that slipped away!!!- Of course on the brighter side of things, if we devoid ourselves of the lil intricacies of this cycle and we concentrate on the bigger scheme of things we may not be as saddened by the loss of connections that we accumulated during the course of our individual evolution—hopefully these missed opportunities gave us food for thought and it allowed us to realize, recognize and become more appreciative of people which may cycle our way in the future-- if we just hold regrets of the missed people that we had -- we may continue to miss the new people with brighter smiles in the future-- when all is said and done and the spin cycle is over-- just before we shed our last tear or close our eyes for the very last time --we can only hope that the people that came close to us in the past and we opted to ignore and denounce """the overwhelmingly obvious and apparent connection"""-- we can only hope that at least we gained something from them-- be it a more matured and objective outlook on ourselves or some shared platonic experience that will help us to realize that our individual cycle was unique and special to us-- and it was worth the constant seemingly meaningless confusing that is part and parcel of being in a spin cycle |
That is an amazing analysis! Definitely worth later reflection.
Thanks for sharing ![]() |