Topic: a little help here?
CowgirlLost's photo
Sat 12/09/06 09:29 AM
ok, here's the situation . . . last night, I was watching TV and all of
a sudden, the sound went - now it's just fuzz, I still have a good
picture though, then today, I tried to put a VHS tape in the VCR and it
keeps spitting them back out at me! Although for some reason it accepted
2 of them, though I can't tell any difference between them and the
others. so, am I crazy? is this something that can be easily repaired?
does anyone have any knowledge about this kind of thing?

CowgirlLost's photo
Sat 12/09/06 09:30 AM
ok, well I'm off to go take a shower - any advice would be appreciated!
thanks guys!

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 12/09/06 10:03 AM
is your VCR built in the tv

CowgirlLost's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:52 PM
no, tattoojrs, it isn't

Cybear's photo
Sat 12/09/06 08:49 PM
Hi!CowgirlLost.No you are not crazy.Not everyone is Electronic or PC
savy.So I will offer you my advice to best of my ability.Your response
was that they are seperate units,so unfortunately my dear it may be
possible that you have 2 problems,not 1.First disconnect that tired old
VCR from the TV then see if your sound is restored.If so then you're
back to only one problem.As far as the tired old VCR is concerned it is
time to send it to the junkyard.The internal armature that pushes up the
door and grasps the tape is malfunctioning.For the same price to fix
this problem,you can acquire a reasonably priced DVD plyer from
Wally-Mart.I would strongly advise you to do this.Of course you can drop
some hints to family members that yuo need one badly for
Christmas(wink)Now for the good news,if your audio from the TV is still
not responding after disconnecting the tired old VCR,then you accuire an
RCA jack.There are a red and white male connectors at each end.Now
connect your TV directly to your stereo system and you will be one very
happy camper.Stereo sound baby!nothing like it:well except for surround
sound.Now purchase some popcorn and various treats with the money you
saved,kick up your tired feet & enjoy.And last but not least say Thank
You!Cybear(hug)Good Luck CowgirlFound.Godspeed!Cybear.

no photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:04 AM
my vcr does the same thing occassionally. all i have to do is move the
tape to one side of the slot and it pulls it in and doesn't spit it back
out again til i press the eject button.

CowgirlLost's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:37 AM
thanks guys! I appreciate the advice! :)

Tneal's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:52 AM
make sure you let us know what happened cowgirl.... enquiry minds ya
know *S*

CowgirlLost's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:53 AM
oh I will . . . it just might take some time, because now I need to find
someone to lift the TV (I can't move it!) LOL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:55 AM
sounds like Y2K came late to your house lol