Topic: Wake UP!
karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:48 AM
Sleep???? I remember that. It involves pillows and blankets. I think.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:51 AM
See what you did to me Sherrie now Il never get to sleep LOL

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:52 AM

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:52 AM
I have no idea what it is but you had to watch it didn't you Shadow?

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:54 AM
LMAO two women what guy wouldn't. Well there are some but I don;t go
that way LOL

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:56 AM
what the hell are u guys talkin about? *lost*


TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:56 AM
You :)

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:57 AM
about me? what about me? wath what?

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:58 AM
Get guys alone what do you think they talk about?

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 01:59 AM

am i in a good or bad mood at the time i get 2 guys in a room?

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:01 AM

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:05 AM
Sherrie. read from bottom pg.1. I'm just sitting here.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:09 AM
I just thought of something that happend today that was funny well for
me it was. It was raining and I took my blaze to wrok today and when I
came to astop sign and took off I started to sin out so to avoid hiting
a car i frove it in to the hill but I took out a speed limit sign LOL

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:10 AM
i swear it is the hair dye that is getting me... NO I"M NOT
it is just the hair dye...

but lets see if i got this... king wants to join me and shadow and u
want to watch?

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:11 AM
Were you below the speed limit at least?

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:11 AM
Man I'm tired I think I'm going to sleep I'm haveing a real hard time

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:13 AM
I'm outta here. I'm occupied somewhere else.

sherrie0527's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:13 AM
well nitey nite.. i will be on for another hour or so..cause i'm the
energizer bunny that goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:14 AM
Who said anythign about me watching LMAO

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 02:15 AM
OK I'm gone leave me alon Sherrie LOL bye