Topic: Old Bubba Joke
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Mon 01/28/08 06:17 PM
Bubba and Earl bought some raffle tickets. They went to the drawing where Earl won a months supply of spaggeti sauce and Bubba won an almost new toilet brush!
'Bout a week later they were talking, Bubba asked Earl. "how's that spaggeti sauce?" Earl said." it's great man, what about the toilet brush?"
Bubba says, "oh, it's ok, but my wife don't like it too good so we're thinking about switching back to toilet paper".

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:18 PM
ewwwwww laugh

(((Jeb))) Welcome back!!! smooched

irad8you's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:19 PM
Ouch lol

Sharon31216's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:20 PM
ouchie! that would hurttt!!noway

irad8you's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:23 PM

ouchie! that would hurttt!!noway
There's that butt pic again lol