Topic: LETS ROCK...
no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:47 PM

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:49 PM
i think he was a bit befor your time....try the second one...scroll up a

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:52 PM

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:53 PM
Not only Queen but Radio Ga Ga

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:55 PM
Not rock but try this

Through early morning light I see
Visions of the things to be
The things that are withheld from me
I realize and I can see

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:55 PM
thats right

back in the mid 90's i worked the tribute to freddy mercury consert at
winbleton, following hie death, i guess you know the tune is called

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:56 PM

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:57 PM
Before your time, though Poison should get it.

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:57 PM
she's made of hair and bone and little teeth
and things I cannot speak
she comes on like a crippled plaything
spine is just a string
I wrapped our love in all this foil
silver-tight like spider legs

who's this?
my FAV song

spay's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:58 PM

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:59 PM
Guy named Spay. Reason why he never got on American Idol.

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:59 PM
oh hell no...if it aint rock then it's hell if i fury i know
u read the sign on the

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:59 PM
SPAY, you are too much!!!

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:59 PM
Theme from *M*A*S*H*

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:59 PM
shut the fuck

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:02 PM
it's a free for all

i'll take you for a rid down my way baby, be my little himan sacrefise.
do my kisses burn do they take your breath
you have a lesson to learn oh the kiss of death

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:04 PM
shit thats right....suiside is painless, and to think that was our
gratuating theme song from military med school

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:10 PM
Back on the who sang these lines subject for you now.

Ah, an old tulsa hat well sh*t, God dam, hey, o'F**k.

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:11 PM
Alright I'll obey the sign at the door

She won our hearts the arts she loved
Is painting pictures for free
When she was done she hung them up
For all the children to see

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:12 PM
oh hell bothe you guys are killing me ya know.........