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Topic: Ok go ahead give me your best
no photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:06 PM

This is my take on it......Your a fine specimen of a man.....and I know I am guilty for posting the addy for my girly friends to see the hunky cowboy.....But you are soooo much more then just your looks.....and in the end that is what is important....So embrace that the ladies like to look at ya....embrace that you make their toes curl or "Warm" hahaha.......Because the people that truly know you.....Know their is a heck of alot more to you.....then just your stud muffiness (is that a word) must add to debbionics .......lol

I heart ya


I agree 100%flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:08 PM

Took my picture's off and now i just have my profile
Tell me would you be my friend just by reading it

And talking to me or do those pictures matter more to you!

Well .. first off I would talk to you either way cuz you rock. But HONESTLY I still like lookin at your cute face. So ya ..

why not BOTH? laugh laugh laugh

mommyof1's photo
Sun 01/27/08 05:15 PM

Ok there have been 117 view's on this now with just the fox
Picture up and only 14 view's on my profile

And i thank you all above who took your time to read my profile
I know it is long but i put my art work on there for you to

I am going to clear out my who view me and let's see what
Happen's when i put my picture up

As you can see i am very Confidant in myself !

Ok now at a 288 views of this post
And since i put the picture up i have had 56 views
On my profile so i guess pictures do matter to most
People they just don't want to see how shallow they
Are because a person is made of there mind and there Heart
If there is nothing there it don't matter how good looking
You are on the out side you will always feel alone on the inside


Don't cry, hun!

If someone is so shallow to only talk to you cuz of your pic's, then ya dont need them.

I love your page, the poetery, and NO I haven't gone and looked since you put this pic up, cuz I like ya for you!!! who you are inside! :smile: flowerforyou

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