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Topic: first date suggestions
no photo
Wed 08/30/06 05:45 PM
how many people think an easy hike through the woods on a state trail
would be good or due to the possible creepiness factor of being taken
into the woods (lol) should be saved for a later date

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:14 PM
well i think that if your looking for a different idea for dates other
than the normal movies and dinner you shout do something like amusment
parks or picnik in the park because most females tend to dress up on a
first date so this way she would be relaxed on the date its something

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:17 PM
Honestly, if a guy took me to the woods, I think I would freak! I would
save the woods for another never know if you are dating a

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:18 PM
it was just an idea but you're right about the amusement park. i've
found that if you do something relaxing while you're talking they kind
of let their guard down and forget all about the awkwardness some people
feel around someone that they don't know.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:20 PM
lol that's what i was saying...that would not be a good ice
breaker....the amusement park was a good idea though if there was one
close maybe a carnival... the great american tradition

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:22 PM
i could see it now ..."it's a surprise" then we pull into the wooded
state parking lot lol i'm not a psych i just a an odd sense of humor
don't worry i ain't on here to actually meet face to face

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:25 PM
haha I didn't say you were pyscho...I just meant that your date could never know. So my question to you is say that your
not on here to meet face to face....would you ever meet anyone from here
face to face? HMMM thats something to think about..I actually have met
someone off of the net..not off of this site.

Karensmiles's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:26 PM
I often wonder what to do on first dates too.. same old same old. What
about a kayake outting (rental) or river rafting?

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:31 PM
kayaking or canoeing would be good , ilive in michigan so there are alot
of places close by so it wouldn't have to be an all day affair if
someone wasn't having a good time
.........actually i have met some people previously from other sites and
well what do you expect, you go on a first date and don't know much
about the person. really ain't no different than meeting them on the
street but off the street you positive of what they look like

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:33 PM
I was going to say, usually you go to a movie and to dinner..I guess you
know its safe because everyone eats and I guess everyone can sit through
a movie.

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:35 PM
I guess you are right there...I don't think you really get to know
someone for awhile...even if you just meet them through your friends,
you still really don't know them. Hell, sometimes you can be with
someone for years and not even know that person

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:36 PM
movies work but if the other person likes to shoot pool or throw darts
or play video games. it gives you a chance to talk and you can see them
when they are a little competitive, it tells you a little and it's fun

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:32 PM

As much as I love the outdoors I would not take a person to a park that
was not used much even for a picnic until we had met atleast once. My
rule for meeting anyone off the net is to meet in a public place. It is
safer on both parties so you can feel more at ease and get away or get
help if you had a nut case. I have used a local state park for a first
date years ago but I knew the girl for a few years(just never dated,
went to school together). It was a great first date but I would not
trust someone off the net let alone a woman trust a strange man taking
her into a wooded area with few if any other people around.

I have a great first date outing for this weekend without a date. Any
horse lover in the area want to go to the TN walking horse show in
Shelbyville? Dinner at a good restraunt(forgot what all they have down
there as it has been 5 years) and a night at the celebration. Plenty of
time to talk between classes and plenty of safety with all the cops and
people around. I hope to have a pic up by Friday.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:36 PM
haha, i like to take girls on first dates to horse outtings, it is a big
part of my life so i like to see how they deal with it, i once had a
girl ride better than my trainer, we dated for 2 years.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:38 PM
actually i think that's a really good idea . alot of woman have some
sort of romanticism that goes with horses so just about anybody would
probably have a good time.

Karensmiles's photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:40 PM
I used to ride competitively and it was a great place to meet people! I
had forgotten about that thank you all!

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:42 PM
It does always go really good, it gets me a lot of points when they see
me working the horses, it is the whole cowboy thing. Being a cowboy i
love the sterotype. It helps a lot that where i am from almost everyone
has been around horses. This way i can also screen out the prissy ones,
if a saddle is to dirty for you,your not my girl.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:51 PM

The way I used to ride horses through the mountains if the horse does
not fall down atleast once you did not go for a ride. Ofcourse my night
time rides on green horses was never a rough ride. I was in a group
called the Rough Riders. One of our test for joining was you had to jump
your horse off a bluff into the river about 20 feet below. I took my
horses swimming with me most of the time as our swimming hole had a
small bluff about 7 feet into a deep hole of about 12 feet of water.
There was also a rope hanging from a tree on that bluff.

Well maybe my country side is showing through now. But being disabled
like I am I can no longer ride, well maybe ride a smooth horse is a
pasture but no more breaking horses or rough riding.

silkia's photo
Tue 03/20/07 10:58 PM
keep your clothes onlaugh laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:09 AM
well if shes outdoorsy, a state trail might be nice. why not, beautiful
scenery... maybe a nice picnic.. i mean your not packin a chainsaw right

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