Topic: Is Hilary's and Obama's fighting gonna mess up the Dems chan | |
Recently Hilary and Obama have been viciously attacking each other in debates and campaigning. This could possibly anger the voters who are siding with the opposing candidate. Keeping this in mind if the people that support Obama are angry at Hilary for the attacks and Hilary ends up being the Democratic candidate will she lose the support of some of her fellow democrats because of the way she treated Obama or vise versa. Will votes flow into Republican or Third parties because of these out bursts. They both hold large portions of the votes for the democrats and I think this may have a large effect on the 08 elections.
Well I was listening to the Michael Baisden show this afternoon (Thursday) and they had Hillary on there, and the gyst of the conversation was that she said she is done with bad mouthing Obama, and she agreed totally that what they really need to focus on is the current serious issues facing the country. I was just a little impressed with her at that point. We'll see where they go from here.
I can tell you from my perspective, no matter how much mud gets slung I will not go repub, that is for sure so no worries there.
ahh so your one of those.. I don't care about the issues I just care about the name types.
thats politikin kiddo. NEITHER have my vote and i am a PROUD democrat.
I believe that those who are for Hillary will not care about her attacks on Obama. The same thinking will apply to Obama in that his supporters will not turn away from him because of his attacks on Hillary.
However, the above will hurt them with the Independents. Independent voters do not want candidates fighting with each other. They want solutions and reasoning; therefore, those independents are going to split their votes between Edwards and the Republicans. |