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Topic: Achtung! Zee papers, show us zee papers!
madisonman's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:49 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 01/19/08 08:50 PM
Michael Chertoff, the well known Israeli 5th columnist and Fatherland Security Secretary, crawled out from under his rock the other day to warn America that he will implement the Real ID Act, no matter the consequences. A hundred million or so Americans will have great difficulty in entering a federal building or boarding a US airliner as most states have not adopted this Orwellian nightmare. Oh, did I mention you won't be able to open a bank account either? Won't that be good for the economy!

Mikey, of course, said that he was only following zee orders of the 911 Commission, you may recall that group of traitors and corpo-rat goons appointed by Smirky to cover up the Junta's involvement with the 911 false flag attack with the help of the fascist controlled US House and Senate. This turkey was first proposed by Wisconsin's favorite fascist son, James (Jack Boots) Sensenbrenner. Thanks, Jimi!

Without this trackable ID system, starting in May 2008, American citizens will have to use a passport or a newly created federal passport card if they want to avoid a vigorous secondary screening at airport security. This will cost the already broke states billions of extra dollars that Mikey and the boys won't be providing them. Hey, you can take the money out of food stamps to pay for this, right? In addition, this will cost the airlines, which are all but broke, more billions in lost revenue and slower schedules. Not to mention yet another boarding nightmare for passengers who already spend three plus hours for what used to take 10 minutes. After all, Grandmother, what's the matter with being strip searched by some otherwise bored Bureaucrat? And all just so you can get into that sardine can and crash into the ground at 600 mph because the over- worked air traffic control has had it's money given to security to make sure little Susie isn't carrying a couple of pounds of C4 in her crotch? We all gotta go sometime, right?

Of course, if you need to go into a federal building expect to be harassed unmercifully if you haven't zee right papers, Ja? Perhaps little Johnny has made himself a new drivers license on his computer, it could happen, no?

As our economy goes into a tailspin, let's not forget what this will do to the already failing banks. This just may be the straw that breaks the camel's back and gives us a depression that makes Black Thursday's seem like a Swiss Picnic by comparison!

Folks like myself won't have to comply until 2017 because there is no such thing as an old terrorist, right? However, if you were born on or after December 1, 1964, they have vays of making you cooperate if you don't have the proper ID. You have relatives in Brooklyn, Ja? Das ist goot, das ist sehr goot!

Of course this new federal ID has little to do with securing the airliners or federal buildings and everything to do with stealing some more of your rights and, of course, scaring the sh-t out of you so you'll be a nice little Sheeple and do what you are told! So, as we goose step off into this brave new world let's all sing the "Horst Wessel" song!

In Other News

Our national embarrassment was off on another Taxpayer funded junket to try and save face in the rest of the world. Desperately trying to improve his image for the history books by kissing plenty of Zionazi ass on his first stop in occupied Palestine, Bush pledged to get a Palestinian state by the end of 2008 even if it is only a couple of square miles of the Negev desert! Bush spent most of his time there praising the war criminal Ehud Olmert who later declared that Iran would not be allowed to have any kind of Nuclear Power. Ehud dared the rest of the world to stop him from carrying out this threat to begin WWIII!

Then our west Taxus prairie monkey was off to Bahrain, where U.S. Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff, commander of the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, winked when he told Bush that he took it "deadly seriously" when an Iranian fleet of high-speed boats charged at and threatened to blow up a heavily armored three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing through Iranian waters. With that the new Gulf of Tonkin scam was well under way. Trouble was the Navy Times announced that the voice that Smirky had been promoting as threatening the ships was declared to be that of a prankster, perhaps from one of the boys in the state department? Bush then met with Bahrain's king. The two men played with swords and did a scene from "The Adventures of Robin Hood" with Bush as Basil Rathbone and King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa as Errol Flynn!

Then it was off to the Arab Emirates where he pushed us a step closer to WWIII by calling Iran the "world's leading sponsor of terror" which caused the assembled dignitaries to laugh out loud because the rest of the world knows that Bush and Cheney are the leading sponsors of terror!

Bush then rode out into the sand dunes to the desert encampment of Abu Dhabi's crown prince, Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The high point of that meeting came when the Sheik let Bush hold one of his prize falcons which wisely tried to escape.

Next came Saudi Arabia where King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud stood at the bottom of Air Force One's staircase and greeted Bush with a kiss and passionate embrace. They then went off holding hands and disappeared for hours in his highness's "royal chambers" to talk of arm deals and other things! Bush announced later that we'll be selling the Saudis satellite controlled smart bombs and other advanced weapon systems, so look out Tel Aviv!

Meanwhile, newspapers from Cairo to Teheran cursed America and made jokes about our national embarrassment wherever Bush went. All-in-all a typical Bush road trip, bringing even more shame and hatred of America throughout the world. Your tax dollars at work, America!

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:55 PM

Madisonman, is that so hard?

Gcode's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:06 PM
Edited by Gcode on Sat 01/19/08 09:06 PM
dude is pretty tight up and mean

madisonman's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:12 PM

Madisonman, is that so hard?
what are you talking about eh? I havent a clue as usual

madisonman's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:14 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 01/19/08 09:18 PM

Madisonman, is that so hard?
what are you talking about eh? I havent a clue as usual
I think you are crying about a link and it is posted at the bottem of the original post. see for yourselfgrumble

Gcode's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:18 PM
he is just upset cuz his dallas cowgirls.... i mean cowboys lost haha jk

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:22 PM
Yeah, that's itsad

madisonman's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:23 PM

he is just upset cuz his dallas cowgirls.... i mean cowboys lost haha jk
I think his tears are shed for all the suffering Bush has caused our once proud nation

Gcode's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:23 PM

Yeah, that's itsad

lol im just messing with you man nothing serious.. Whats going on?

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:26 PM

Yeah, that's itsad

lol im just messing with you man nothing serious.. Whats going on?

I was just getting over it and you had to bring it up again.brokenheart sad

no photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:26 PM
"west taxus prairie monkey"!!! OMG my sides hurt from laughing

madisonman's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:52 PM

"west taxus prairie monkey"!!! OMG my sides hurt from laughing
Bush then rode out into the sand dunes to the desert encampment of Abu Dhabi's crown prince, Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The high point of that meeting came when the Sheik let Bush hold one of his prize falcons which wisely tried to escape.

this is my favoritelaugh

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:39 AM
Edited by Zapchaser on Sun 01/20/08 07:40 AM
It is clear to me thar you have all of the answers. happy Please poste yer linc sew al the cawledge gradjemets can seak youre advise n wisdum. huh

madisonman's photo
Sun 01/20/08 08:05 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 01/20/08 08:50 AM

It is clear to me thar you have all of the answers. happy Please poste yer linc sew al the cawledge gradjemets can seak youre advise n wisdum. huh
I post my links scroll up and look but I dont troll around others posts leaveing snide comments that have nothing to add to a dsicussion I put things out that I find interesting and hope others also find interesting I would suggest you avoid them if they bother you.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:57 AM

It is clear to me thar you have all of the answers. happy Please poste yer linc sew al the cawledge gradjemets can seak youre advise n wisdum. huh
I post my links scroll up and look but I dont troll around others posts leaveing snide comments that have nothing to add to a dsicussion I put things out that I find interesting and hope others also find interesting I would suggest you avoid them if they bother you.

Really? Read what you wrote and scroll up to see your previous snide comments. noway If you want to have an intelligent discussion you would accomplish that by listening to the opinions of others rather than posting dribble for the purpose of rabble rousing.What you find "interesting" is that you think you know something that others are too blind to see and are unbending in your attempts to prove them wrong. When you are wrong you side step the issue and change the subject. Your conspiracy views are in the minority and you come on here expecting what, to be considered something other than, shall we say, off the beaten path? Try being a little more flexible and you will find that you will enjoy both "intelligent" and "discussion".bigsmile drinker

gardenforge's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:11 AM
Madisonman, a new week has started please remember to replace the tinfoil in your hat the mind control rays are starting to penetrate laugh laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:12 AM
Your idea of a discussion is someone agreeing with yougrumble This country is a bloody mess and anyone who supprts this corrupt government is a collaborater in my book:angry:

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:20 AM

Your idea of a discussion is someone agreeing with yougrumble This country is a bloody mess and anyone who supprts this corrupt government is a collaborater in my book:angry:

Collaboration is a structured, recursive process where two or more people work together toward a common goal—typically an intellectual endeavor[1] [2] that is creative in nature[3]—by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus. Collaboration does not require leadership and can even bring better results through decentralization and egalitarianism.[4] In particular, teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources.[5]

Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication.[4] These methods specifically aim to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem solving. Forms, rubrics, charts and graphs are useful in these situations to objectively document personal traits with the goal of improving performance in current and future projects.

Since the Second World War the term "Collaboration" acquired a very negative meaning as referring to persons and groups which help a foreign occupier of their country - due to actual use by people in France and other European countries who worked with and for the Nazi German occupiers. Lingusitically, "collaboration" implies more or less equal partners who work together - which is obviously not the case when one party is an army of occupation and the other are people of the occupied country living under the power of this army.

In order to make a distinction, the more specific term "Collaborationism" is often used for this phenomenon of collaboration with an occupying army. However, there is no water-tight distinction; "Collaboration" and "Collaborator", as well as "Collaborationism" and "Collaborationist", are often used in this pejorative sense - and even more so, the equivalent terms in French and other languages spoken in countries which experienced direct Nazi occupation. One should understand the meaning of the words they choose. With whom are you collaborating? huh

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:22 AM

Your idea of a discussion is someone agreeing with yougrumble This country is a bloody mess and anyone who supprts this corrupt government is a collaborater in my book:angry:

Oh please, nobody supports every aspect of our government, but to say it is always bad then jump to conclusions based on speculation that's been based on wilder speculation is to wander off to a fantasy world. I haven't fully read the info you posted here or in several other of your posts for that reason, it's hard to take somebody serious when they go so far overboard in spite of tangible evidance. I've also noticed all of your links seem to be from conspiracy sites or from sites with obvious bias, just 'cause a site says it's true doesn't make it so, you've got to confirm it with reputable sources. I'm not gonna call you a loon or whatever, but I will say you can't add missing data into an equation;^]

madisonman's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:55 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 01/20/08 11:06 AM

Your idea of a discussion is someone agreeing with yougrumble This country is a bloody mess and anyone who supprts this corrupt government is a collaborater in my book:angry:

Oh please, nobody supports every aspect of our government, but to say it is always bad then jump to conclusions based on speculation that's been based on wilder speculation is to wander off to a fantasy world. I haven't fully read the info you posted here or in several other of your posts for that reason, it's hard to take somebody serious when they go so far overboard in spite of tangible evidance. I've also noticed all of your links seem to be from conspiracy sites or from sites with obvious bias, just 'cause a site says it's true doesn't make it so, you've got to confirm it with reputable sources. I'm not gonna call you a loon or whatever, but I will say you can't add missing data into an equation;^]
There is no speculation on the gulf of tonkin fraud nor the WMD iraq Fraud. If you dont think a posting is accurate feel free to prove it so. I dont think you will be able to do so since I usualy do it myself b4 I post somethingdrinker

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