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Topic: love stinks
redneck_woman21's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:02 AM
do you agree

sherrie0527's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:02 AM
can u smell it?

redneck_woman21's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:03 AM
i think my boyfriend is cheating on me

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:04 AM
I heard there were alot of frustrated women in the midwest!

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:04 AM
true love is awesome todays misconception of it stinks though

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:04 AM
j geils sang that song!

sherrie0527's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:04 AM
ask him... i u still belive it then dump his ass...can't have a healthy
relationship with doubts about the other person!

Marie55's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:04 AM
I am sorry to hear that, that really sucks. That is the worst. Guess I
could say something really stupid like be glad you are not married to
him yet. I hope he isn't and it is just a misunderstanding.

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:06 AM
how do ya know 4 sure hes cheating?

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:07 AM
Well, If you rub yourself with shit then Yeah!

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:09 AM
As far as your boy friend then dump him and live a life of solitude.

Just think. No more cheating boy friends. How practical is that?

redneck_woman21's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:10 AM
but the bad thing is i have fallen in love with him

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:17 AM
are you certain he's cheating? or are you just insecure?

this is a HUGE thing, im aware, but think how he'll feel if you came out
and asked him...or worse..accused him...

it hurts like hell when ya find out he is, i know this too well so i
don't want to come across as "taking his side".

do understand tho, that this is a HUGE thing, you can't accuse unless
you know for a fact he is, if you accuse, or ask, then it shows no
trust, if you have no trust, you have no for your sake,
and his, be certain one way or the other before you mention anything.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:18 AM
Then that is a dilemma. Well, You have to make some choices hun. That's
a real though one too. I personally can't tell you what to do. I can
only offer my advice which I go by and stay single. Less complicated.
But of course you need to make your own choices. Why not consult your
Wiccan faith for guidance?

I really wish I could help ya hun, but am a lose for words.

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:18 AM
kick him 2 the curb!!!.. its easy!1

niclei's photo
Sun 12/03/06 12:26 AM
hi everyone, i think i agree with ellgee

Sluggo's photo
Sun 12/03/06 03:00 AM
Personally I don't think it's a big deal to ask him if he's sleeping
with someone else (as long as its not a reoccuring theme) but when you
ask him make sure you can read him or it's a waste of time.

Honest question here (because I went out with a Pegan Priestess onece),
is sleeping around common in the Wiccan faith?

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 03:06 AM
hell no love don't stink, it only stinks when you aren't enjoying the
person your with. i've only been in love with one of the girls i've been
with and we were together for six years. it ended pretty badly but i
would not have traded any of our time together for anything. it sounds
stupid but it's true.

lily38's photo
Sun 12/03/06 03:10 AM
Tough experience has taught me to trust my instincts...the ones that
just naw away at you and tell you something is so wrong everytime you
look in his eyes. You can get over the love, but the effects of todays

stephenB's photo
Sun 12/03/06 03:10 AM
Hope hes not either. That suxs. Believe me thats why I'm not married
anymore. Found out that the wife had a faithfulness problem. Hope the
best for ya

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