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Topic: Minnesota
MN21's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:34 PM

I'm cold! (-4 here in Wisconsin!) LMAO!

oh Jace! poor you! c'mere, i got blankie's for ya lmao

Ouch she played the blanket card.....laugh

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:36 PM

I'm cold! (-4 here in Wisconsin!) LMAO!

oh Jace! poor you! c'mere, i got blankie's for ya lmao

It never does quite work the way you want it to, does it? <he asks hypothetically> LoL

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:37 PM

I'm cold! (-4 here in Wisconsin!) LMAO!

oh Jace! poor you! c'mere, i got blankie's for ya lmao

It never does quite work the way you want it to, does it? <he asks hypothetically> LoL

aww Jace..c'mon now..i never said how big...errr..small the blankies would be ;) lol

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:39 PM
You're baiting me! You're a master baiter! I know your type!

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:42 PM

You're baiting me! You're a master baiter! I know your type!

Jace..that's besides the point :P lmfao

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:43 PM

You're baiting me! You're a master baiter! I know your type!

Jace..that's besides the point :P lmfao

laugh At least I'm NEAR the point! laugh

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:45 PM
of no return? lmfao

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:49 PM
LMAO! Yeah... the point of no return... which isn't in Minnesota, thank gosh! <shaking head> LoL Too funny!

Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:51 PM
I live in NORTHERN MN....its colder hereindifferent

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:52 PM
Northern Minnesnowta... aka Canada. (=

Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:53 PM
whats that all aboot eh?laugh

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:54 PM
LoL Gee, I wonder? (=

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:57 PM
and here im in Ks...it's only 14F here too..but im still wussin out...lol

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:59 PM
I have a nice small blanket you can have! <smirk>

Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:01 PM
its suppose to be colder tommorow...like -25 below with -40 windchill...

Im cold

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:06 PM
The fireplace here isn't doing much to keep me warm... <sigh> I'm just spoiled... spent 10 years in Florida before moving back to Wisconsin. I'm converted. I'm a sun and sand kinda guy now.... Want part of my small blanket? (=

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:22 PM
http://www.lotsofjokes.com/cat_203.htm :tongue:

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