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Topic: who's ready?!
soxfan94's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:58 PM
Just wondering how many of the JSH community head out on the town on a Friday night?!

nonchalantwendy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:59 PM
I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

SightSeer's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:59 PM
Me, I just sit back, relax, and let the town come to me! In other words, I ain't doing a damn thing tonight.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:59 PM
I have not done that in awhile , but I will sunday for the Pat's game to a budddy's house

soxfan94's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:00 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

gotta love the boogie shoes. personally, I'm in the middle of putting on my two left shoes. frown

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:01 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......
drinker I'll be there too.devil

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:01 PM
I might go to a bookstore....

nonchalantwendy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:02 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

gotta love the boogie shoes. personally, I'm in the middle of putting on my two left shoes. frown

It is really hard to dance with two lest shoes/

SightSeer's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:02 PM

I might go to a bookstore....

That's my saturday night.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:02 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......
devil I'll be watching you !!!devil :tongue:

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:03 PM

Me, I just sit back, relax, and let the town come to me! In other words, I ain't doing a damn thing tonight.

I'm with ya there.:smile:

nonchalantwendy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:03 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......
drinker I'll be there too.devil

I'll be looking for ya , my

EarthSprite's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:03 PM
The nearest town to me is 90
miles away...noway

Looks like there is no
going out for me....laugh laugh smokin

soxfan94's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:04 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

gotta love the boogie shoes. personally, I'm in the middle of putting on my two left shoes. frown

It is really hard to dance with two lest shoes/

my point exactly haha. but i try!

deltasissy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:05 PM
hell ya. leaving in a few hours to boogie... explode

nonchalantwendy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:05 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

gotta love the boogie shoes. personally, I'm in the middle of putting on my two left shoes. frown

It is really hard to dance with two lest shoes/

As long as you are havin fun......It is all good!!!!!:wink:

my point exactly haha. but i try!

soxfan94's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:07 PM

I'm off to see a band in a few minutes and put on my boogie shoes......

gotta love the boogie shoes. personally, I'm in the middle of putting on my two left shoes. frown

It is really hard to dance with two lest shoes/

As long as you are havin fun......It is all good!!!!!:wink:

my point exactly haha. but i try!

Oh yes, I generally have more fun than would be expected for someone who can't really dance! Life's way more fun that way. :tongue:

Suzanne20's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:07 PM
<<<<staying at home willing the phone to ring

nonchalantwendy's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:08 PM have the right attitude.....Nice!!
Have a great evening..........sweetie........:wink:

coco56's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:09 PM
im in me jammies laugh laugh

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