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Topic: Whew...
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Mon 01/14/08 05:13 PM

I had a great Monday! I started at a new job today, after working at a place I hated for 3.5 years (& I was still a temp!) I stuck it out & now things are looking up!

Hugs to all that are sick or tired, or sick & tired.

I really want a new job. 40 hours, great pay, and that I will like. grumble The job hunting is too frustrating.

Yeah I know what you mean, I was working 7am to 5 pm, hard to look for a job with those hours, but they finnally pissed me off so much I MADE time & I was hired at the 1st job I applied for. Now I will work 3-11 & have time to take some classes . I'm getting too old to be chained to a machine in a 40 degree room for 10 hours!

Hang in there whjen the time is right you will get inspired!

I like your profile. It seems very geniuine. I am not happy with midwestern culture myself, but I am seeking more. My new job is in a university town, that should mean more diversity & culture.

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