SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 04:24 AM
I had an idea.

If you don't want to post a "real" pic, you could like find one of those
cartoon pics and post something that sort of looks like you or
something. That way people will have an idea, but you won't feel so
"out there" or something.

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:21 AM
Like others who don't post, I just don't see what the major problem
is. If you personally don't respond to non-picture posts, fine, go your
own way. If you like what you read about somebody, ask for a picture,
you might receive a photo if that person likes what they read as well. I
don't think anybody is trying to hide anything, nor do I think they are
ugly or afraid. Assumptions create what may or may not be true. Who
cares anyway? Why make it your goal in life to rip those who don't? Just
because you post pics doesn't make you special, better or more
expressive than those who don't. It's all choice and I thought we live
in a world of free choice. If you don't like it, too bad, live with it.

SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:25 AM
here is something:

what if I don't like what someone posts, but I like their picture? It's
like a safety cord to protect retarded people.

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:31 AM
Isn't that being really base? I mean if its all looks and no content, it
won't last one minute. We all age in time and if your personality sucks,
then your looks fade and then you are left with what? Would you stay
with that person? Does that mean you judged your entire relationship on
looks alone? A little shallow maybe? Although, we all would enjoy having
the hottie, a little bit of personality, solid on the ground, goes a
loooong way.

SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:36 AM
it's probably a little base...

Shoot how about the inverse:

What if someone has a good personality AND a picture? it's a winning

Also, something to think about: you need to consider the medium. This
is the internet and humans are visual. W/O a pic people are going to
group (mentally) people with no picture into one lump of a group. So
sure, YOU might be amazing with this awesome personality, but
subconsciously you are being associated with that random dumbass who
also does not have a pic.

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:43 AM
You make a good point...but dumb ass? Why does it seem to always fall
into a name calling, negative assumption? Does it make you feel better?
If so, ok, enjoy.

SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:48 AM
no no, you misunderstand.

I was using hypothetical people. Like you have two people, completely
equal, one is a "good" personality, the other is a "bad" personality.

I cannot tell if I am simply being too oblique with my metaphors, or
people are being to sensitive to my posts.

Honestly the only time I have attacked someone personally on these
boards was that one woman who posted that awful tripe about DrShadow's
dead wife. And funny enough, some other "crazy bitch" sent me hate mail
regarding it :D


no photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:52 AM
OK, I get it. It can be a difficult place to express, misinterpretation
can come easily and backing up a couple of steps helps. I didn't see the
post on the Dr., but I am guessing it was different.

SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 05:58 AM
some awful woman posted "It's good your wife is dead instead of having
to be alive to live with you."

And I was like, "You are a crazy bitch"

And then some other woman was like, no, she said, "It's good his wife is
dead instead of having to be alive to live with him."

And then THAT woman sent me this seething letter telling me I was a
spoiled brat and she hates me.


SteveJarvis's photo
Tue 08/29/06 06:07 AM
here is the link, for those curious:

paterafan's photo
Tue 08/29/06 08:54 AM

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 01:56 PM

Not if you do not have one and it is our point. You do not know why the
people do not post a picture. I have only 2 possible pictures of me from
the last few years. One I refuse to put up because it was a picture of
the ex and I kissing over a candle lit dinner I had made(oldest daughter
took the pic). The other was me finishing licking the icing off a large
butcher knife at my sons bday party. It looked real scary like I was a
mad man going on a rampage and I still had to wear my back brace.

BTW I got a camera today but it is rainy. So in the next week I will
have some pictures of me on cd and will load one. I sure have nothing to
hide like others have said.

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 03:07 PM
In reference to the comments about effort required, this is a community
discussion, I believe it requires more words than the 10 or 20 you may
have aquired for use in your limited vocabulary. Open conversation is
good, expression is good, what better way for these topics to be talked
about? I guess posting a photograph is enough to cover it all,
ridiculous! Let it go! ha ha

countryboy4u's photo
Tue 08/29/06 03:08 PM
me thinks u a knuckle head!!!pantara chick worry about something real!!!

paterafan's photo
Tue 08/29/06 03:52 PM

no photo
Tue 08/29/06 07:20 PM
I have to say. Now I am struck by your sense of humor. You do have one
and you are funny.

Branmay721's photo
Wed 08/30/06 12:26 AM
well I have a pic, and I dont say much but this bullitin caught my eye
and I just have to say....that you(not just one specific person) must
have A LOT of time on your hands to complain about ppl not having pics,
just let it rest...and i agree with andrew about the
authentitcy(spelling) of the any case, pics dont mean a
thing(well it shouldnt anyways) its what they say and the personality
they have....but i have noticed that there are more rude ppl with a pic
then dont have one...hmm...

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 05:15 AM
There...a pic...happy now? :)

SteveJarvis's photo
Wed 08/30/06 05:30 AM
@Branmay: LOL, see, you NOTICE people with pics

@Geo: I think you might have taken this business too personally.

I don't think people were ever really attacking people w/o pics, I think
it was just an overhanded way of trying to make them a more interesting
part if this community.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:35 AM
why such a problem with no pic? i ain't gonna try to meet anyone from
here so what does it matter...maybe i am a freak!