Topic: Matchmaking Game - part 2
OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:20 AM

cuppy59's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:24 AM
please match me with him, I gotta talk to this doll

TravelArranger's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:35 AM
Hey he has a head and you have a headless body...could be a perfect match laugh

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:37 AM

cuppy59's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:40 AM
Give me your head OC then we can drive and get somewhere

TravelArranger's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:41 AM

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:41 AM

cuppy59's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:43 AM
noooooo:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't like that one:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:45 AM
sad awww but its my fav pic

TravelArranger's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:54 AM
how about you compromise on the head shot? laugh

Gotta get ready for work - pulled the afternoon shift this week - grumble

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:19 AM
Cuppy yea orangecat is a special on....giggle....e-mail me so I can give you his e-mail addy.....yea I know he gets special treatment....what ya gonna do......

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:21 AM

Feral....I'm very curious as what criteria you use in your match-making endeavors. Do you simply go by location and profile or is there an 'intuition' involved as well?

If I told you my secrets I would have to kill you

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:23 AM
OK People bad news and good news.

Good News is that were still up and running and going strong yea us....

Bad News is that I have had a family emergency and don't know when I will be back today. So everyone say hi to everyone else and please if any catches your fancy....E-MAIL em on page?????????

Heart ya


OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:26 AM
(((((((feral))))))hiya sweetheart,I hope every thing is ok for u flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:55 AM

I hope everything's ok, you're in my prayers flowerforyou

crystel's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:56 AM
Hi Feral great too see we are still going strong
My thoughts are with you hope all is OK with you take care and we will keep up your good work whilst you are gone
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

crystel's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:59 AM
OC Morning sweetie hope you are having a good day

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:05 AM
((((((crystel))))))mornign to u sweetie so far its good hope yorus is goign well alsosmooched flowerforyou

crystel's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:19 AM

((((((crystel))))))mornign to u sweetie so far its good hope yorus is goign well alsosmooched flowerforyou

Ah thanks for the flowers Honey i,m great thanx sometimes forget the time zone difference with all to guys xxx

crystel's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:20 AM
OH and love the new pic OC its great xx