lotta bored people over the place,thats why some are here
trapped on Vancauver island looking for friends,,,,,WITH SNOW SHOVELS!!!
hey purple. got plenty here in quebec we're not using. lmao
STILL WAITING - > -> -> go west -> ->
"STUFFES HIMSELF IN ENVELOPE" be there in about a week.
Welcome Frogs
don't nobody move...landing mode is now in affect..........
mr. shadow how gos it
good to have ya back poison thought we lost ya for a while there
see that dude has a helicopter!!!!grab shovels and jump in and shovel
out the cat ,,running SERIOSLY low on rolling papers!!!! |
That makes 2 of us buddy. Still waiting for that dance, Poison.
no snow here in nj but ill ship of the warm weather out to vanco island
supposed to start raining tommorow better...or i'm gonna go
LOCO!@@@ |
hey purple got papers here but nothing to put in it.
hey porcelaine.
Hey Theronin, how are you and your little one?
got stuff to put in worries there ...
i'm fine and lil one sleeping like an angel
That's good to hear, it's always nice to get "your" time.