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Topic: Birth Control.....Men?
karmafury's photo
Wed 11/29/06 04:56 AM
Okay people something to wake you wake you up and start thinking. The
new birth control control pill for men. What's your opinion?

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:05 AM
It's a Womans responsibilty!

shelly36c's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:07 AM
why should it be all the woman's responcibility in not getting

lily38's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:17 AM
It's about damned time a man stepped up to the plate. Playtimes over,

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:17 AM
Because we aren't getting pregnant ;-)

BTW...Shelly, I wish I were that Dog in your story!!!

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:22 AM
not true sluggo. its both man and womans responsability. same as when a
child is born both respnsible for its conception are responsible for its

herewego's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:49 AM
think it's about time that the responsibility was put on the man.

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:50 AM
as i said equal responsability herewego

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:51 AM
that is freakin awsome... granted it isn't gonna be as popular as the
"female" birthcontrol.. but a guy should have to take up some of the
reponsibilty too. Some time "female" birthcontrol dont work... I
i was on it and well still got prego... but it is just another step to
not get prego.. The female should be on it the man should wear a condoma
and be on the BC too... and hey guess what..LOL no babies... just my
point of veiw but i vote HELL YES to guy takin BC

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 05:56 AM
Sluggo I can't believe that you said such a shallow, self-righteous
thing to say. That kind of answer will get you nowhere anymore.

If you haven't noticed, we don't live in caves, the gentlemen DON'T drag
the ladies back to the cave by their hair. Get with the program, or go
crawl back into your cave.

Only one woman's advice.

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:01 AM
hey porcelain. how are you this morning

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:03 AM
Hey you, just fantastic!!! Work overstaffed and i got 2 go home~~~6 day
weekend, I am here!!!!!!!!

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:16 AM
cool. glad to hear it.

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:19 AM
The only thing that would make it better is if T was back, but as much
as we care, and as much as we want him back, we can't make it right and
we can't make the hurt go away, only time can do that.

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:20 AM
sad but true

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:34 AM
Sluggo thats a shitty attitude....when people are in a sexual
relationship BOTH take the responsibility..get out of your cave and stop
draggin your knuckles

michael1313's photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:41 AM
sluggo I for one am glad they have this for men the women have way too
much to worry about now days
better off us than them huh?
for my love,,,I would gladly take this pill if there are no side effects

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:42 AM
Maybe that's why you have never been married, or have no kids.

Having children is the most satisfying, 24 hour/7day a week honor that a
parent (of any sex) can ever have. You can surround yourself with all of
your friends in the world, but you will NEVER know the feeling of
holding your own flesh and blood in your arms. I am so glad that i have
2 beautiful children, and i know alot of single men that are glad they
were given this kind of responsibility. Even if it's 24/7.

Guys like you give the good ones a bad name. GROW UP!!!!!!

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 11/29/06 07:25 AM
well said fineporcelain!!!!!!!!

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 07:30 AM
Thank you sherrie, only a parent knows all of the joys and heartache of
a precious life.

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