Topic: arizona singles
doriangrey's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:46 AM

my name is devon and i am bisexual and i too seek someone to be with forever and yes that takes time but i got all the time in the world. my nickname is tabby becuz i have a very catlike personality by nature. i have repeatedly given up on love and then restarted the search out of misery. . i am unemployed and wishing i could find a "dream job" but unfortunately, all of the jobs that are possible are dead end and lead no where as for a career. I have been in the army but unfortunately was discharged for manic deppression. If this is a turn off, let me know so i don't go on in life wondering what happened. a simple "no thanks" will do. i graduated from high school, attended some college but my military school funding was cut off becuz i did not complete my full three years of military service becuz i was discharged so i did not get the full 35K for school but only barely 2 months and certainly was a waste of time. I have been to most of the United States, homeless several times but at the moment, i am living with my dad and step mom. i shall never be homeless again. i shall not permit it. that was a shameful place to be. i am drug free now for almost a year and 3 months straight. i shall never go back there either. I am on medication to help me sleep because i have insomnia from the manic deppression (non combative), also for bi polar disorder (non combative) i take paxil to keep me calm. more of a sedative becuz i kinda get irritated easily then start ranting. im sorry if i am writing a novel but i wish for you to know everything about me so you can make the proper judgements.
If you judge against me, so be it. it would not be the first time! i only wish you give me, a boy AND a man with a heart of gold and eyes that would take you in and never let you go,a chance. it's all i ask of you!


Polly123's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:49 AM
Hi Tabby .....You have a biggg problem.God Bless you,and help's you find your way. a true friend!!!!!!