Topic: Create the laws of an 'enlightened' country | |
For those who hold beleifs of an 'enlightened' path how you define Crime and punishment for your country.
Who would rule and how would they assume their responsibilities? |
what is meant by an "enlightened path"?
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Thu 01/10/08 09:30 AM
shalom Red
I would establish that anyone making less that $50,000 single $100,000 married. They would be able to pick a lawyer to represent them free of charge and do away with public defenders who do not defend the way they should anyway. This then would give equal justice. (in a way) I would do away with sentencing guidelines where you can give someone anywhere from probation/fine to 10 years in prison. This is not justice. Whatever the sentence be it for 1st time affenders to habitual offenders the sentence would always be the same. I would bring back public whippings. Post it in the paper and the guilty would be publically whipped as thier sentence. All capital punishment crimes the families of the victim would decide life in prison or death. This would give the families justice. Families complain all the time about not getting justice for thier loved one. This would give it to them. Death sentences would be carried out by the communities in which the offence happened in or where the victim and thier families lived. I would go back tpo stoning where everyone in the community at sometime participates. I would do this for several reasons the main one being that the community can see what happens if you kill someone. It would become very real to them. Automatic death sentences for any puplic official who plants a crime. To bring thier own justice. Prisons would only be federal for life imprisonment. No other crime would be a prison sentence it would be a combination of a public whipping and working off thier crime. A thief would pay at least twice the value back to the victim plus the attorneys fees the people have paid for him. Thier would not be that many laws. They would be spelled out and no loopholes. If you are convicted then you get the sentence that is spelled out. Period. No difference rich or poor. These Red would be the main laws of the land. May Yahweh Bless You and Yours......Shalom...Miles Also as i posted in your other thread. Anyone claiming a crime if it is found they were lying about it or who did it the person bringing the charges would recieve the punishment that the accussed wouuld of got. |
would establish that anyone making less that $50,000 single $100,000 married
Are you saying tat if you make less than fifty thusand dolalrs a year, then you do not have the right to get married? aybe I misunderstand this, but if it is hte way I asked, that would be very criminal in my mind. No on ehas the right to decide who can marry and who cant. It is just as wrong as historical rulers demanding that they "bed" a lady before their husband does. |
No that would be the guide line to beable to have a free lawyer. It is just $100,000 if you are married.
Remember all that are convicted would pay ( except for the death penalty) all expences back to the people and at least 2x whatever expences the victim may of had....Blessings...Miles |
Who would rule and how would they assume their responsibilities?
Without a doubt this is the single most difficult question to answer in any governmental system. Lawmaking is inherently paradoxical. The writers of the Bible felt that they could solve the paradoxes of lawmaking by creating a single God that dictates what the laws will be. Clearly that system is nothing more than a cop out for humans. It just passes the buck to an unseen entity who will supposedly make the final judgments. Therefore those judgments never get made in this life. In an ‘enlightened’ government clearly the rule makers should be men and women who have genuinely reached ‘enlightenment’. But that’s not easy to put into practice for several reasons. The most obvious reason being that it’s basically impossible to know who is truly enlightened and who is merely in a state of delusion. The second reason is that people who are truly enlightened typically have no desire to rule over others. In other words, they aren’t going to seek the position other people are going to need to seek them out and request that they do this for the good of the people. This is a huge problem with a democracy. Most of the people who run for office do so because they have egotistical desires for power, wealth, and fame with power being their top priority. Few people who run for office are genuinely meek and humble wanting only to serve the good of mankind. And the few people who do get into politics for those sincere reasons usually don’t get very far. The very nature of a competitive political system favors those who are aggressive. It’s just the nature of the beast. So how to set up an enlightened government is quite problematic from the very beginning. It would ultimately require an enlightened society to foster its birth. I would envision such a system basically having a ‘council of elders’, the only need for a ‘council’ is because a single human being can never be trusted to always remain true to the philosophy of the founding vision. Then there are the paradoxes! They aren’t going to go away no matter what the governmental system is. Let’s examine the most popular dictatorship ever created,… The Regime of the Christian God. God is without a doubt a dictator. God makes the laws and no one else has any say in them whatsoever. It’s definitely not a democracy. God is the dictator, period, amen. But even this system is filled with problems. What is the answer in the case of abortion? What would God have to say about abortion? Well, I think most people will agree that God would say that thou shalt not us abortion as a means of birth control. I think most people will agree that this is an utter abuse of abortion. However, that same dictator also made it a law to not have sex for fun. In other words, anything less than planned parenthood is out the window!!! So in most cases of unwanted pregnancies some law was already broken before we even get to the abortion issue. Either the woman voluntarily had sex when she didn’t want to get pregnant, or sex was forced upon her. Either of these acts were already crimes before the abortion issue even came up. So to discuss the laws of abortion without addressing these other ‘crimes’ in more detail first is unrealistic. In most cases, the need (or desire) for abortion is already the result of previously committed crimes. So there’s much more to the litigating circumstances than meets the eye. What would God’s judgment be concerning the abortion of a woman who had been impregnated by a rapist? Know one knows! Those kinds of complicated issues aren’t covered in his ambiguous rule book. Those who claim that the Bible is a complete answer to everything and is unambiguous are clearly in denial. If God wrote the Bible as a guide for humans he failed to address issues in sufficient depth. And then of course, we have the medical reasons for abortion. It could be that allowing the birth to continue could threaten the mother’s life. Perhaps she was in an accident, or has other medical problems. The choice is to either abort the baby or let the mother die. Either way a human life will be extinguished. What would God’s answer be? Many people say, ‘let nature take it’s course’ but if that’s the answer then we should just do away with medicine altogether and do just that in all cases! The mere fact that we have chosen to get into medicine has already been our choice to ‘play God’. Yet we play a very feeble game when it comes to making real decisions! Finally, we have a desire to abort when it is known that the baby will be born grossly disfigured and sickly. Sure, it could potentially live to be 100 years old in a grotesque state of deformation that would make it impossible to ever experience any kind of ‘human’ life or social interaction that all other humans are familiar with. What would God’s decision be on that one? And of course, it’s even unfair to compare a human’s decision with God’s decision, because God would have been ultimately responsible for the situation to begin with where a human was not. In other words, God is the one who created human bodies that could develop defective embryos. In fact, those who believe that God can willfully intervene at any moment can even question why God would allow such a situation to exist in the first place. In other words, any governmental system of rules that is created by humans must take into account the limitations and state of human existence. How do I think that a ‘enlightened’ government should respond to these issues of abortion (just to be consistent with the examples I gave). Well, in the first case, where the pregnancies are unwanted, I think the government need to focus on the causes of the unwanted pregnancies. In what way has the government failed the people in that regard? Was the government simply insisting on abstinence with a public that refuses to use that method? Did they put enough effort into education and recourses for contraceptives? Truly enlightened rules would always see the bigger picture and take steps to address them. In the remaining cases, I think truly enlightened rulers would leave those decisions to the families and their doctors. After all, we just saw that to genuinely make those decision one would need to have divine knowledge. Since the enlightened rulers know they do not have divine knowledge they cannot make these decisions. Therefore they would humble give the people who are directly involved in the situation the right to make their own decisions on those matters. This is the way that a government must work. It should never try completely dictate every situation. And this is true of all human governments no matter what their basis. Even if they base their laws on Christian values, they must ultimately acknowledged that they are not God themselves, and that the Bible does not have the answers to every question! It simply doesn’t have answers to these complicated questions. It’s not infallible. It’s not complete. And in most matters it’s even inconsistent and/or ambiguous. Especially with respect to the level of detail necessary to make decisions on real life issues. |
You clearly do not understand the Torah and the spirit of it. The council of Elders you speak of that we would need. I would say this is your own enlightment that you claim Yahweh does not have. This is fair Justice... Deut 1:16-18 16 "Then I commanded your judges at that time, saying, 'Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him. 17 You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man's presence, for the judgment is Yahweh's . The case that is too hard for you, bring to me, and I will hear it.' 18 And I commanded you at that time all the things which you should do. NKJV Now Yahshua spoke of an eye for and eye was a spiritual matter. The victim did not have to have that punishment done as it is his/her right to show mercy. Also Yahweh shows us we need higher ( counsel of judges) for the cases to hard for the lower council to decide. Is this not your enlightenment that Yahweh does not have Abra? In the cases of rape Life always wins. The rapist would be executed but the child would be born. If a mother is in a medical condition to where she may die from the birth. Again life prevails and the baby would be taken and the mother would live. These are laws of The Supreme being that are just. So do not speak as if Yahweh is a fool. A man who speaks when he does not know the heart of the matter is rightous in his own heart. Yahweh and Yahshua are the only ones I know who are Rightous... May Yahweh's Word Be Spoken With Descernment....Blessings...Miles |
In the cases of rape Life always wins.
But who’s life is winning here??? You talk about life like as if all life is, is the physical body. What about the woman who was raped? Why should she be forced to have this child? Do you have any idea what kind of emotional trauma you are asking her to live though? She has to carry the offspring of the rapist in her own body, she has to suffer the pain of giving birth to it, then she has to torment over the fact that it’s ‘half-her’. The resulting individual is half-her and half the offspring of the rapist. For me it’s not an easy decision and I don’t view life as nothing more than pulsing vessels of blood and bones. If the woman did not want to have the baby I would honor her decision. From her point of view the baby is half demon! She would forfeit her own good seed rather than see it live in a body that is possessed by a demon. That’s HER VIEW! Yet you are claiming that to make her endure that experience for the rest of her life and watch the possessed baby grow up would be the better decision? I don’t agree the answer is that clear. Especially if the victim (the pregnant mother was vehemently against it). Her emotions and view on this MUST BE CONSIDERED. Life is more than just blood and guts. It’s also about the spiritual essence and emotions. Therefore the mother’s spiritual sanity is in the mix here and MUST be considered. Otherwise all you are doing is reducing life to nothing more than pulsing blood and guts. Claiming that because the fetus is pulsating blood and guts it constitutes "life". I won't go that far. |
Then I guess you are not life by your own words. What are you? I have known women who have been raped and even planned on giving the baby up for adoption. But when the time came they could not give up that 1/2 of them. Sure many women would or may hate to carry this child. Thier is also a thing to where the rape victim can take a pill that will stop her from being pregnant before she knows whether she is or not. Why can't a rape victim who does not want a child take it Abra? Your reasoning is flawed. It is human reasoning. Why is it a woman 3 months pregnant can abort a baby and that is lawful. But if someone causes her to miscarraige like say a drunk driver hits her and she loses the baby then it becomes manslaughter or i have even seen it tried as 2nd degree murder. What is the difference Abra? Is not your life as important as a fetus that will grow into a productive human. Were u not a fetus at 1 time?
The Torah says that if a person causes a woman to loose her baby perposely then he is guilty of murder. just like the drunk driver. We have in this country decided that abortion is birth control. How many unwanted babies are thier out thier from 1 night stands. This should not be. Our problem is not Yahweh and his laws. Our problem is we have reasoned we are smarter that the one who created us. Then we become not children of Yahweh but the children of the Rebellious one. The father of Lies. Satan/ Helel himself. No wonder he is called the Diety of this world because he has caused us to think like he does. May Yahweh Od Hosts Have Mercy on Us All.....Blessings...Miles |
What is the difference Abra?
There’s a huge difference. Not unlike the difference between murder and euthanasia. This would be like asking why it should be ok for someone to take their own life but not ok for someone else to murder them without their consent. If you can’t see the distinction there, then I don’t know what to tell you. Also, when you speak about the laws of man you really can’t compare them with the supposed laws of a supreme being because laws of a supreme being assume that supreme knowledge also exists. Unless you can prove without ambiguity that such supreme knowledge exists then I say it’s just your own personal opinion and that negates your holier than thou stance. ![]() To claim to speak for God is to claim to be God. This is precisely what the authors of the Bible have done. They have all committed blasphemy. And now you are supporting their crimes by perpetuating their unsubstantiated myths as though they are facts. Let’s face it Miles, unless you claim divine connections yourself you can’t possibly know that any of what you read in the Bible is true. To claim otherwise is to claim divinity. Our problem is we have reasoned we are smarter that the one who created us.
I disagree. I say that your problem is that you believe a specific ancient story is the word of God when in fact you can’t possibly know that to be the truth. I don’t think I’m smarter than the creator of this universe. But yes I do think I’m smarter (or at least certainly more educated) than many of the authors of ancient myths. They clearly made mistakes and self-inconsistencies that gave themselves away. They revealed themselves to be nothing more than humans who were making things up. So, don’t play your “holier than thou” card on me. To you it may look like a Ace, but to me it appears as a Joker and isn’t even a valid card in the game of life. ![]() That’s my view. You have yours. Clearly we disagree. So be it. May your days be blessed with happiness and comfort. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 01/10/08 11:34 AM
What is the difference between euthanasia and murder? Well then I guess since a 2 year old can not speak for themselves the parents have the right to kill him,huh? That is your reasoning. Come on Abra if you want to take me to task lets do it.. Show me those inconsistancies you always talk about? Prove they are wrong? I am holier than thou? If i was holier than thou then i would not be quoting from a book I believe comes from my creator, would I? No it would be the exact oppisite I would claim to know the answers without the answer book. Do you have an answer book/ instruction manual how to live your life Abra? So come on so all can see whether the scriptures are true or not? Or whether mans ideas are flawed? Blessings Miles |
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Thu 01/10/08 11:41 AM
I will be back in a minute Abra I have to get my car licensed. So I look foward to your proof. 1 thing a while back that you said is eaxactly right though. I believe you said..If I believed thier was a creator of all things who gave me a book. I would want to know everything thier is in that book. Yes you are exactly correct on that..Blessings Abra...Miles
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Thu 01/10/08 12:19 PM
I will get back to ya on this one.
What is the difference between euthanasia and murder? Well then I guess since a 2 year old can not speak for themselves the parents have the right to kill him,huh? That is your reasoning. This isn’t my reasoning. This is some gross misunderstanding of what I had said. Where did I ever say that if someone can’t give their consent it’s ok to kill them? I contend that a mere fertilized egg does not constitute a ‘person’ yet. You somehow extrapolate this to murdering 2-year olds? Come on Abra if you want to take me to task lets do it.. Show me those inconsistancies you always talk about? Prove they are wrong?
Jesus clearly stated that the righteous do not need a physician. Indicating that Jesus believed that some men are indeed righteous. Authors of other books of the Bible claim that all men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. So who’s lying? Jesus? Or the authors of the other books of the Bible? Someone has to have it wrong. They can’t both be right. It also says in the Bible that man’s fall to sin brought about death. So says the Bible. But the universe itself tells a differnet story. Death has been around long before man came onto the scene. Mankind can’t possibly be responsible for death. So which should I believe. A book that was written by men? Or a universe that was clearly written by its creator? The Bible also claims that God created a perfect world that was then corrupted by the sins of men. But the universe tells a differnet story. The universe shows us that carnivorous animals were commonplace before man came onto the scene. God’s supposed pre-man world was not perfect. A dog-eat-dog world is not “perfect”. I’m sure that you will argue against these points, but you are wasting your time arguing them to me because I’m not buying. All you are doing is trying to salvage ancient mythologies in the face of reality. And for what purpose? So you can further rape women of their dignity after they have been physical raped by a thug. No thanks Miles. I won’t support that in the name of salvaging a mythology. I am holier than thou? If i was holier than thou then i would not be quoting from a book I believe comes from my creator, would I?
I didn’t say that you were holier than thou. I said that was your attitude when you suggest that I am claiming to be smarter than my creator. I do not claim to be smarter than the creator of this universe. But I do claim to be smart enough to recognize that the Bible clearly wasn’t written by the creator of this universe. It’s a story about a war mongering God who’s playing sick demented games with innocent humans stuck in the middle. It’s a story about a God who plays hide-and-seek and guessing games. If the biblical God wants to rule over man let him step forward and do so. Hiding behind the skirts of religious fundamentalists is pathetic behavior for a God. No it would be the exact oppisite I would claim to know the answers without the answer book. Do you have an answer book/ instruction manual how to live your life Abra? So come on so all can see whether the scriptures are true or not? Or whether mans ideas are flawed?
The greatest flaw of mankind was to invent the concept of a jealous judgmental God in the first place! Any God who would create an instruction manual for mankind knowing full well that it would be ambiguous and questioned by the greatest minds in all of humanity would have to be pretty lame to begin with. And God would allow that book to be used to justify witch hunts, and burning scientists at the stake, and to run Native Indians off their home land and to enslave other men (the Bible clearly condones slavery as it actually teaches us how to treat our slaves!!!!) So that’s our instruction manual for life? That it’s OK to have slaves???? Get real Miles! I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would write an instruction manual that clearly contains instructions on how to care for our slaves. That single point right there should be enough to prove unequivocally that the book can’t possible have divine origins. |
Who else is going to come to bat for the scriptures?
I know alot of you have sat in church on sunday morning and listen to the preacher who tooke 2,3,4 scriptures and explained them to you. Then as he was telling you thier meaning you thought that really does not make alot of sence. Have you? If you have maybe just maybe that was the Spirit of Truth that Yahshua spoke of opening your eyes to something that was being twisted around to say what the preacher wanted it to. My favorite so called minister on TV who is really good at this and if you question him he will try to make you out as a fo0ol. He does it in his sermon before you ever question him . This way he does not get questioned. He is very good at it. He refuses to answer me i will tell you that. Who is he. Dr. Stanley. I am sure you are very familiar with him. Another who claims he is fluent in greek and Hebrew does not want to be questioned either. That is Dr. Shrueler with the glass cathedrial he is so proud of. He may be fluent in Hebrew and Greek but I can tell you his judgement will be harsh. I would stay away from both of them. They are Angels of Light along with the guy in Florida who preaches way above the people and acts likie he is so rightous. You study and tape thier programs and see if it really aligns up with Yahweh's word. It is your duty in these last days to do so. Yahweh promiced discernment in these days to those who really have a Heart to follow him no matter what. Most of you will quote and know these scriptures by Heart but what are they really telling us? John 1:1-6 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. 2 The same was in the beginning with Elohim. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. NOTICE THE DARKNESS COMPREHENDS IT NOT!!!! 6 There was a man sent from Elohim, whose name was John. KJV Now do not get me wrong I am not a judge to any of you. I do not know your heart. When John spoke of Yahshua being the word, what was he really saying? What made Yahshua sinless and the Perfect Lamb of Yahweh? Was it not the Torah? Can anyone prove that it was not? That Yahshua did not give Moses the Torah at Mount Sinia? That Yahshua was not the Walking Talking Torah? That he came to annull the marraige between Him and Israel? That when he died on a tree ( cursed is everyone who dies on a tree) did not enable him to remarry? That remarrying being to anyone who would believe and keep his words? And that word was the word you heard from the beginning inwhich he gave? That him hanging on a tree as a Perfect sacrafice he had the right to take on the sins of the world? That with this he removed the curse and that curse was Death? If you can answer yes to all these questions and you promiced him as a bride not to love another. Then keeping his word is the word you heard from the beginning? That that word is the Spirit of the Torah? If this word is of the torah then as a trustworthy Bride you will keep and do his will? This I know goes against all you have been taught. Does it go against the scriptures? If not the learn the Torah and when you do the Spirit of Truth will enter you as it did Cornilious who Peter went to baptise and claimed to the people how can we deny him Baptism when Yahweh has put the same spirit as we have in him? You are the new Temple of Yahweh made without hands. Within that Temple has always been the Book of The Law. Therefore as Yahweh is the same today, Tommorrow and Yesterday. That Temple MUST have the LAW/TORAH living in it. Making you as Yahshua said Living stones of Yahweh. It is time that we put down our defences and search out the matter. Isa 1:18-20 8 "Come now, and let us reason together ," Says Yahweh, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of Yahweh has spoken. NKJV Yahshua being the Word that you heard from the beginng. THEN THESE WORDS ARE FROM YAHSUA'S OWN MOUTH. It is time to put on the whole arnour of Yahweh and not let anyone or anything try to bring it to not. Instead embracing the Word of Yahweh who Promiced he would guide you and show you mysteries in which the world can not comprehend. Having an answer for every man that the word of Yahweh may be Glorified in You as Yahshua's Faithful Bride. Jump in and question and answer and find out the truth of the matter. It is said that at the end of this age decieving spirits would go out into the whole world perverting the scriptures as an Angel of light. That if it were possible decieving the very elect. We have been told a lie for to long. Just Believe. As our battle cry. Is that what the scriptures spirit really means? Is that why the scriptures say " Study to show yourself approved"? Or is the studying what the churches and satan does not want from Yahweh's people? Yahshua said I will send the comforter who will bring to rememberance all things that I have said. That is the spirit that Hebrews tells us in which thier is no Law because the Law is in our Hearts and is our Life, Just like it was in Yahshua who said we would do mightier things than he did. Heb 8:7-13 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them,( The People) He says: "Behold, the days are coming, says Yahweh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah — 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says Yahweh. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Master,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." (This is Yahshua being Cursed who hangs on a tree) 13 In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. NKJV Yes what Vanished away? The STONY HEART. Now we are a people who with Joy want to follow him are Husband Yahshua. I pray you will prove these words to yourselves. Then put on the Whole Armour of Yahweh so you will beable to squach the fiery darts of this world with his 2 edged sword. THE WORD OF TRUTH. Isa 1:18 8 "Come now, and let us reason together ," Says Yahweh. NKJV May Yahweh's People Have a Spirit of Truth Where They are Free From the Law. Where thier is no Law for those who Keep it... Shalom and Blesssings from the Heart...Miles |
I pray you will prove these words to yourselves. Then put on the Whole Armour of Yahweh so you will beable to squach the fiery darts of this world with his 2 edged sword.
This sounds more like the tactics used to create a mob mentality. ![]() Yes, Miles, this does indeed sound very much like Christianity unfortunately. Make it into a war and pretend that God is your general. It is precisely this war mongering mentality of Christianity that turns a lot of people against it. THE WORD OF TRUTH.
Isa 1:18 8 "Come now, and let us reason together ," Says Yahweh. NKJV As far as I’m concerned true reason would include a very open-minded consideration that the biblical account of God might not be true. And the mere fact that the Bible condones slavery by providing instructions on how to care for slaves brings this divinity of this book into question. Does this Yahweh condone slavery??? And if not, then why provide instructions in his sacred book on how to care for slaves??? You are indeed going to need to put on the Whole Armor of Yahweh to defend against that one. For his 2-edged sword appears more like a forked-tongue to me. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,… and oh, by the way, here’s the instructions on how to take care of your slaves!!! The biblical God does not speak with a forked-tongue? Yeah right. ![]() |
Lend me your ear so that the truth may be heard.
Edited by
Thu 01/10/08 03:28 PM
1... There’s a huge difference. Not unlike the difference between murder and euthanasia. This would be like asking why it should be ok for someone to take their own life but not ok for someone else to murder them without their consent.
1st Abra what is consent? Are you saying if a dying person gives conscent to be killed it is ok? But not if they do not give conscent? If this is the case which that is the way i see those words you wrote. Then a fetus can not give conscent. If a fetus is allowed to grow it will keep living and become a person. If a man does not give conscent then he continues to live. Just how can thier be a difference they both with out conscent will live, Period. Your reasoning is mans reasoning. But science will tell you both will live if left alone. Thu 01/10/08 12:38 PM QUOTE: What is the difference between euthanasia and murder? Well then I guess since a 2 year old can not speak for themselves the parents have the right to kill him,huh? That is your reasoning. This isn’t my reasoning. This is some gross misunderstanding of what I had said. Where did I ever say that if someone can’t give their consent it’s ok to kill them? I contend that a mere fertilized egg does not constitute a ‘person’ yet. You somehow extrapolate this to murdering 2-year olds? Will a fertalized egg grow into a human being? Yes or no. Not a hard question. Abra 2....Jesus clearly stated that the righteous do not need a physician. Indicating that Jesus believed that some men are indeed righteous. Authors of other books of the Bible claim that all men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. So who’s lying? Jesus? Or the authors of the other books of the Bible? Someone has to have it wrong. They can’t both be right. Just why did Yahshua say these words . Lets put them in context ok. Matt 9:10-13 10 Now it happened, as Yahshua sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. 11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" ( These are the ones who claim Rightousness) 12 When Yahshua heard that, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call the righteous , but sinners, to repentance." NKJV Yahshua even asked them "what does this mean?" He was not claiming them rightous. He was condemning them in thier own words. So the other scripture where all have fallen short. Is very true. You need to understand the scriptures to find fault in them. 3....It also says in the Bible that man’s fall to sin brought about death. So says the Bible. But the universe itself tells a differnet story. Death has been around long before man came onto the scene. Mankind can’t possibly be responsible for death. So which should I believe. A book that was written by men? Or a universe that was clearly written by its creator? Again making it say what you want. What is death in the bible? What did Yahshua bring? Matt 7:13-14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. NKJV I would study those words closely Abra. John 17:1-5 Yahshua spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true Elohim, and Yahshua our Messiah whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. NKJV When Yahshua hung on the tree he took away the "CURSE" of the law. Not the law. The Curse was death. Now concerning death. Gen 2:7 7 And Yahweh Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. NKJV Sure death has been around along time we have no idea how long the earth or the universe are. The difference being Eternal life. In the garden if the fruit would not of been eaten then they would have lived forever. Because they did they were cursed. In these verses definately implies that death for Yahweh's creation was not possible. Gen 2:15-17 15 Then Yahweh Elohim took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And Yahweh Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." NKJV Death did not come untill disobedience. Just as the fallen angels. Destruction would not be thier destiny if they would not of fallen away. It is interesting that only man was given a living soul. What does that mean Yahweh gave him. OT:5314 OT:5315 vp#n# nephesh (neh'-fesh); from OT:5314; properly, a breathing creature, i.e. animal of (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): KJV - any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, dead (-ly), desire, [dis-] contented, fish, ghost, greedy, he, heart (-y), (hath, jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortally, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thyself-), them (your)- selves, slay, soul, tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, would have it. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.) Yahweh gave man part of himself when he breathed into him. A mind. Which is clearly shown here... Gen 2:19-20 19 And out of the ground Yahweh Elohim formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. KJV Clearly we can see when Yahweh Breathed into Adam who he made in his image he also gave him a soul. A mind to think a language to speak. Man at this point became part of Yahweh. He is put above all living creatures. So Abra Death accurred before Adam and Eve. But Yahweh did not give them intelligence or athority over all the earth.. A big difference. Also if the forbidden tree would of been left alone nowhere does it say Death would of ever occured to Yahweh's Image.. Mankind.... 4....The Bible also claims that God created a perfect world that was then corrupted by the sins of men. But the universe tells a differnet story. The universe shows us that carnivorous animals were commonplace before man came onto the scene. God’s supposed pre-man world was not perfect. A dog-eat-dog world is not “perfect”. Yes he did when Adam and Eve were created animals were not afraid of them and it says it will be like that again.. Mans own ego perverted the animal kingdom not to trust us. Isa 11:6-9 "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them. 7 The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young ones shall lie down together; And the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Yahweh As the waters cover the sea. NKJV Yahshua said over and over in the beginning it was not so. When he returns it will be as the beginning in most things except for those left who did not accept the blood of the Messiah. Then those will go back under the law they must obey because they have no desire to do iit willingly. In which then thier would be no need of law. 5..The greatest flaw of mankind was to invent the concept of a jealous judgmental God in the first place! Why. Because he loves his children and he willed that everyone who calles upon his name shall be saved/internal life. The jealousy is for his childrens own good because Yahweh does not want anyone to perish. They are created in his image.. He loves them 6... Any God who would create an instruction manual for mankind knowing full well that it would be ambiguous and questioned by the greatest minds in all of humanity would have to be pretty lame to begin with. And God would allow that book to be used to justify witch hunts, and burning scientists at the stake, and to run Native Indians off their home land and to enslave other men (the Bible clearly condones slavery as it actually teaches us how to treat our slaves!!!!) So that’s our instruction manual for life? That it’s OK to have slaves???? Get real Miles! I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would write an instruction manual that clearly contains instructions on how to care for our slaves. That single point right there should be enough to prove unequivocally that the book can’t possible have divine origins. The great minds. He laughs at. They believe they can figure everything out. Yahweh's spirit will put the great minds in thier place. Prov 9:6-10 6 Forsake foolishness and live, And go in the way of understanding. 7 "He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, And he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. 8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. 9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. 10 "The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. NKJV John 16:12-15 12 "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth , has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. NKJV Rom 16:17-20 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Master Yahshua our Messiah, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple . 19 For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. 20 And the Elohim of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. NKJV Yahweh's wisdom is far above ours. He confounds the wise with the simple. This giving Glory to Yahweh through his children acknowlging His Greatness. The word is True. Your theories are just that theories. The scriptures we have have been passed down for 2000+ years. Sure some men have tried to change them but as Daniel said we would understand at the end of this age. The knowledge that has come to man through science has happened to fast. It has not been tried and tested. Science is good but if it goes against the scriptures you can bet that it is a flawed theory. Blessings....Miles |
The 2 edged sword is the word of Yahweh.
Thier were different slaves and they could even become an Israelite. Some slave huh. jacob for his love made him self a slave for 7 years twice. Slavery in much of the bible is voluntary. They would become what you call a slave because they would have a better life. Slaves when let free was given much for thier years of faithfullness. Yahweh had this spelled out for fairness. They would be sent off with food a herd of cattle or sheep. They were now in a much better position to prosper for thier family than if they would not become a slave. It is in this country and others who saw slaves as an animal that you could whip or kill at will. Mans ways again not Yahweh's. You need alot of study Abra before you claim these as facts from the scrip[tures....Blessings....Miles |
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Thu 01/10/08 03:41 PM
I would take all the money that movie stars, singers, and professional athletes make and reverse their salaries with that of teachers. It makes more sense for a teacher to make 300,000 then a baseball player or a movie actor.
I would re-work the judicial system all together......a speedy trial nowadays is a joke. For convicted criminals to sit on death row is a joke. If you commit murder then you should dealt with in the exact way in which you took the others life. I would make the divorce laws much more strict. I think people get a divorce as easy as getting a slurpee at the local 7-11. And I would make everyone going to get married go through the pre-marriage class that would be tough and hard. I would change the laws in the in the small claim courts.....just way to many slap happy people that want to sue..... Change the tax laws to fit all the people of the United States. Don't give tax breaks to the wealthy...make the wealthy give more to the poor. I would make it mandatory for all citizens to spend time helping those less fortunate. I would re-work the whole Department of Child Services.......and #1 let all that work in the department be parents in good standing. I would not let kids automatically be given back to their bilogical parents. Just because you gave birth to them, doesn't make you the best for the child. I would take children away from people that were abusing them and give them to the people that keep trying to have children and cant. I would make it a law that anyone whether it be a man and man or a woman and woman who want to adopt unwanted kids be able to do so. I would make it a law that anyone regardless of sex....whether a man and a man or a woman and a woman be entitled to medical and or any other benefits I saw fit. |