Topic: do you respect your ex?
BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:07 PM
Not only do I have No respect for my EX, I am taking her to court for custody of the kids....She is an ex pert at destroying relationships....Next month will be my time of Vindication....What goes around comes around....She will get hers....

Men, stay away from Controlling B#tches....As soon as they start telling you what to do etc.... RUN the other way.....

ZapsWildflower's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:12 PM

i reside in same town as my ex,she speaks to me i reply but truly try to find reason to ignore most of what shes saying lol seems other then our grand childern i have no need or desire to knowor care whats going on in her life, i think what do you want,and when i die do not show up ,i,ll be dead but still past is past and you,re history hopw many feel or felt this way

Yes past is past...and choice is choice..I used to hold anger towards him, but....I chose him! looking back at it now...would I choose him with what I know...nope...Am I glad I did...absolutely, have two beautiful sons from him. It's not a matter of respect anymore as he is not alive. But I have come to realize that I have to take responsibility in my own bad choice, as all the red flags were there, but I made the choice never the less. So I have forgiven him for the things he did, as well as myself for making a stupid choice. Through out all the years I never put my sons father down in front of them, as it would serve no purpose, but to hurt my sons...sometimes silence truly is a virtue when it comes to hurting the ones you love....And how much respect would my sons have for me if I was constantly bashing their father...

uk_bloke's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:18 PM
me and my ex-wife get on really well. It was difficult for a bit, we continuud living together whilst divorcing. By the time the divorce was done, we both had new partners. We still email every now and then and live in different counties.

if u cant come out of a relationship taking with you at least some good memories, then it was a pointless relationship anyway.

stevex86's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:18 PM

Not only do I have No respect for my EX, I am taking her to court for custody of the kids....She is an ex pert at destroying relationships....Next month will be my time of Vindication....What goes around comes around....She will get hers....

Men, stay away from Controlling B#tches....As soon as they start telling you what to do etc.... RUN the other way.....

why woudl you use your kids to get even with her. You shoudl be doing whats right for them becasue its right for them not becasue it will piss her off.

egoodrich's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:22 PM

i was with my ex for 6 yrs...and as of lately i do not have any respect for him.

i'd respect ya darlin:wink: love flowerforyou

musclehd's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:23 PM
i respect mine so much that i got a restraining order on hersmokin

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:27 PM
You don't know what the H#ll you're talking about...She is using the kids to get even with me....She bad mouths me in front of them and says things children should not be hearing...she has turned them against me...And it is not just sour grapes...From cutting me out of family pictures in front of the children to telling them we don't talk about the 'my last name' in this literally physically striking my mother when she came over to babysit the kids....oh, I could go on...with eyewitness verifications....she has fired 4 attorneys, the court appointed therapist, the kids home school teacher, and can't seem to get along with the meantime the children are living with her in fear....she has them going to church twice a week & praying out loud whenever they do something wrong...

Not only do I have No respect for my EX, I am taking her to court for custody of the kids....She is an ex pert at destroying relationships....Next month will be my time of Vindication....What goes around comes around....She will get hers....

Men, stay away from Controlling B#tches....As soon as they start telling you what to do etc.... RUN the other way.....

why woudl you use your kids to get even with her. You shoudl be doing whats right for them becasue its right for them not becasue it will piss her off.

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:28 PM
I respect mine-- just because he did not treat me the way I think he should have, he is still a good father
Besides I never hold a grudge and wish the best for

gracekelley's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:54 PM
I dont respect mine i would have if he had the balls to talk to me face to face or even over the phone while I was breaking up but no he didn't have the balls

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:03 PM

I respect my exhusband. He is still one of my best freinds and I talk to him everyday. We are great friends but couldn't make it a couple. Luckily for me we never had infidelity or lack of respect as an issue. Just different dreams and expectations. Not to mention he is a great dad. I guess I got really lucky with that.:smile:

you are so dreamy
love you deserve such a loving man

Thank you honey......I hope you find what you deserve as wellflowerforyou

Havent found her yet, but if i do... i hope she is so loving and sweet as you and one who i truly am married to for a long time

for now all i do is run into evil bad girl witches

gracekelley's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:28 PM

I respect my exhusband. He is still one of my best freinds and I talk to him everyday. We are great friends but couldn't make it a couple. Luckily for me we never had infidelity or lack of respect as an issue. Just different dreams and expectations. Not to mention he is a great dad. I guess I got really lucky with that.:smile:

you are so dreamy
love you deserve such a loving man

Thank you honey......I hope you find what you deserve as wellflowerforyou

Havent found her yet, but if i do... i hope she is so loving and sweet as you and one who i truly am married to for a long time

for now all i do is run into evil bad girl witches

you shouldn't use the term witch so loosely laugh

ZacharyRyan's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:39 PM

An ex is an ex for a reason! There is no need to talk, see, or anything else with them. Unless you have children together.
I really disagree. I have an ex that I would still consider a friend and I know she feels the same. We shared some of the best moments in our life together, why live life unable to be friendly with such a person?

I would say she knows me as well as anyone short of my mother, and I know her as well as almost anyone, so actually that is quite helpful if you need someone to talk to about something or whatever... I wish her the best, I'm sure she feels the same about me... I'm happy that we can have great conversations and enjoy speaking with each other again... basically what I'm saying is that maybe your personal experience suggest that you cannot be friends or communicate civilly with an ex, but others can definitely do so. It can go either way.

uk_bloke's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:41 PM
for once, he speaks sense :smile:

ZacharyRyan's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:46 PM

for once, he speaks sense :smile:
first time for everything :tongue:

HMontana's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:50 PM
My ex is still one of my very best friends...he AND his wife :smile: . In fact, I just talked to him about advice on my new budding romance. :smile:

no photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:02 PM
My ex and I are friends....I mean I don't go out of my way or anything to see him...
Do I respect him?...Nope!!!...I don't trust him either, nor do I like him very much, but we get along should we see one another, just seems easier that way...I don't hate him, I just don't feel anything towards him one way or the other...noway

Scoobyprincess's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:04 AM
my ex lives a few hosues up..he cheated on me everytime i turned my back. dont respect him.

eskimo_nell's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:06 AM
no respect for him as he has no respect for me

the best thing he ever did was cheat on me he now has some other sucker laugh laugh laugh grumble

klugman's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:14 AM
no, and neither does she respect herself.

Tameka's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:44 AM
i absolutely have MUCH respect for my ex. we didnt work out and we dont always agree (still), but he is a great man. just not the one for me.