Topic: first date topics
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Mon 11/27/06 10:09 PM
what are good topics for first dates need help..

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:19 PM
first dates can be tricky. i mean i'm no expert. but most girls like
something unexpected . not a movie,dinner thos are awsome second dates ,
but the first date is a first impression. let it be something
personal.. what are your interest's

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:25 PM
i go with party fag.and this is a womans advise...supprise her.take her
to a nice city and warm her up emotionaly.make her see the side of you
that you want her to know

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:28 PM
thank you.. i mean i would love for a guy to show up on a white horse
lol.. i know that ones crazy but, u want her to know the true you. Do
you know anything about this girl. if so try and pick up on her favorite
things.. what does she like.

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:30 PM
it's a hard thing those first dates.. if it's a day date, a picnic maybe
i know that sounds corney but alot of girls love guys that arent afraid
to show there feminine side.. All Guys have it lol.. some more then
others and some that are afraid to show theres. but every guy has one.

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:31 PM
im jus gunna let party fag take this one over.he can totally read a
womans mind.rock on dude:]

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:33 PM
thanks Dj Girl have fun........
what ideas have you come up with husky?????????

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:40 PM
well i thought about a picnic by the water
a good home cooked dinner and then a night on the town

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:43 PM
i like the sound of the picnic .. going out for a nite on the town
afterwards.. think some wemon think thats the guys way of getting in her something romatic , then get her drunk. not saying thats your
intentions but some wemon do think like that not all.. some... ummm make
it a day day deffinatly rent a small boat have a picni in the bay.. then
who knows maybe afetr spening a few hours during the day ask he out
again for that night for drinks.. swoon her..

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:56 PM
you should write a book because you are giving some good advise man

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:57 PM
i've seen so many of my friends and myself go through many obsticals in
love and i just like to help... i like seeing people happy it makes me
happy lol.. i dont know a book .. maybe..

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:59 PM
You have to be mysterious I think. Oh and funny. Gals like a guy who can
tickle their bones. As long as they tickle your bona too I guess. LOL

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 11:01 PM

jp4023's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:27 AM
take her to a restaurant up in the mountains, hire a violinist to
serinade her and then just get to know each other and talk about
anything just keep it real and fun and find out her interests then talk
about them

chica42ny's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:28 AM
Hey fag u sure u gay, You come up with some good ones!

party_fag's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:34 AM
well i'm bi really

chica42ny's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:36 AM
ok so u work both ways, u fit good in a group session!

party_fag's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:37 AM
lol uh huh

Sluggo's photo
Tue 11/28/06 04:18 AM
Husky, depending on what kind of date it is but since you're actually on
a date obviously you hope on scoring some time in the future (or you
wouldn't be out with her) so bring up the topic of sex. Specially if
you're hoping to score sooner than (say a month down the road), casual
questions such as did her sex life die out before the relationship was
over or relate your past into it some how: something to just graze the
topic. Sometime's you'll be out with a freak and you wouldn't even guess
and she'll just run with the topic after a few drinks. Even if you think
she's not the type do you really want to spend your life with someone
thats so up tight about sex they can't even talk about it casually? Just
don't be crude while your discussing it...