Topic: Please Answer :) Has anyone else besides me met someone on
guitarMan73099's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:43 PM
I am going to tell this story and leave all names out. I recently met a
woman on this sight, interacted with her over a period of time, looked
at her picture daily while speaking with her on the phone, email, etc.
Things went good, out talks became intimate, and very deep.
I had to work a couple of weekends ago, and she wanted to come see me.
I told her that weekend would not work, she drove ten hours to see me.
After work I cleaned up and drove two hours to the location where she
was. Walked into the room, saw someone who barely resembled the
photograph, tried to be polite, but after ten minutes said Im sorry and
Then i had to deal with all these feelings it was overwhelming, i had
actually almost fallen in love with the girl in the picture whose
wonderful voice i spoke with every morining, and night. But that woman
did not exist, it was only a picture, that either this person had taken
years before, or it was her sister, or daughter, or somthing she had
looked up on the internet, or had used photoshop to fix up.
Also i had to deal with feelings of guilt for not answering her calls
anymore, but i really feel like i was lied to and decieved and that's
the reason i have been just kind of goofing around on this site lately,
kind of hesitant about getting into anything serious again. So anyways,
Im wondering, will yall tell me what you think about all this, have a
good day, rock on.

poisonflightledr's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:45 PM

chica42ny's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:49 PM
Sorry guitar man that happens!

Good for you Poison!

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:52 PM
It sounds like the two of you had somthing special. I would not have let
the looks thing get in the way without some kind of explination. Or just
let it go. If you really cared for her would it have really mattered?

sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:53 PM
well my pics are real and i am a honest girl i met my true love on here
we plan to meet soon. i hope all works out for you don't give love is in
the air

guitarMan73099's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:56 PM
and you are also a very nice girl, enjoyed the conversation the other
day, he's a lucky guy

txazdesertgirl's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:56 PM
I've had great experiences meeting people on sites. Well, one guy asked
to borrow 1200.00 and i said no and...gee..he sort of disappeared. But
mostly good. I think the "coverups" are few and far between, mostly
what you see is what you get. And what you feel inside is better yet.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:24 PM
Never get serious on the Internet. Period. Over and out.

party_fag's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:25 PM
i'm agreeing with u .. i love meeting people on the net but dont get
seriuse are u crazy .. meet sure then see what happends

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:34 PM
well before I meet people off here in person I usually try to get a few
webcam conversations goin you can't hide the truth from them unless you
have someone do the webcam broadcasting in your place.

txazdesertgirl's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:36 PM
Don't have a webcam, so I guess we're doomed. :)

sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:37 PM
well we have had webcam talks and we talk all day
true love is sent from up above.

guitarMan73099's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:39 PM
cool idea mike, i think i'll go get one, that puts an end to it right
there. dude, i've never felt so stupid as what i did a couple of weeks
ago, oh well, you live, you learn

sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 09:43 PM
Hey, I met a man on, the supposed primo place for singles to
meet. He looked very young for someone in his early 60's. We talked for
a while and he said something about serving in the Korean War. Well, I
didn't have to do much math to know that the army wasn't drafting 7
yr.olds. I had already agreed to meet him for lunch. I sat down an
ordered my salad. Then I asked him how old he really was. He upped it
to 68. Ok, now the army is drafting 15 years olds. "How old are you
really" I asked. "OK I'm 70" I told him to keep going. Then he said,
OK,I'm 74 and that's my final offer." I only had to drive 30 min. to get
home. Moral of the story. Stick to your matches and stay close to
home. Gas prices are too high these days for any foolishness,

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 09:56 PM
Match.sum has a lot of problems going on namely scams.'s Legal Troubles
(Online Dating Industry Journal) Law recently quoted Robert Platt,
representative for regarding recent allegations that employees
of Match set up fake dates to keep clients subscribing to its online
dating service. According to the article:
"Manatt, Phelps & Phillips partner Robert Platt, who is representing, said the case is simply a "frivolous" claim that the company
plans not to settle. Just like any other business, people are looking to
make an easy buck, he said.

"Platt has also been dealing with a class action that says the
California dating act applies to online dating. That act, which was
established in the era of brick-and-mortar dating services, required
companies to refund money if the user did not receive the intended
Posted by Kim Lance on December 28, 2005 | Permalink

The Guide to Keeping Your Customers Happy By: Joe LavinBrace
yourself, members, that perfect date you had last week may not
have been so perfect, especially if it took place close to the end of
your billing cycle. It turns out that, according to a lawsuit recently
filed against Match, the online dating service may have been hiring
people to go on dates with certain members to prevent them from
canceling their membership.

Matthew Evans of Orange County, California claims in the lawsuit that he
went out with one woman who later confessed that she had been hired by
Match as "date bait." These professional daters supposedly went on as
many as three dates a day in order to keep Match customers happy, all
for no extra charge! According to the lawsuit, they were even given
access to the e-mails of subscribers, so that they could seem more
interesting to the people they were hired to date. "Wow, I love playing
World of Warcraft too! That's so cool."

According to Reuters, Evans claims that Match "set up the date for him
because it wanted to keep him from pulling the plug on his subscription
and was hoping he'd tell other potential members about the attractive
woman he met through the service." Frankly, it seems like a lot of
effort by Match just to keep Matthew Evans of Orange County, California
a customer. It's just as likely that his date was looking for a way out
of seeing him, and thought that telling him this story was the best way
to ensure that he wouldn't call again. Don't you just hate it when you
end up having to commit perjury in front of a court of law in order to
get out of dating someone?

Match has strongly denied any impropriety. The woman Evans claimed was
employed by Match has even come forward and signed an affidavit stating
that she never worked for Match. Still, anyone who has ever tried online
dating is probably thinking, "Yeah, I could see them doing that."
Personally, I don't have much experience with Match, though I was goaded
into joining once about eight years ago. I believe I went on a few
dates, but for the life of me I can't remember any of them, thus proving
that my dates were probably not paid by Match. Of course, I'm sure that
my dates are equally convinced that Match hadn't hired me as date bait

The suit also claims that Match had employees pose as other members and
write flirty e-mails to customers just as their subscription period was
ending. I hope they coordinated their efforts. It would be a shame if
one of the people hired to write fake e-mails accidentally e-mailed one
of the people hired to go on fake dates. Or it could be a beautiful
thing. They'd at least have deception in common.

Match isn't the only company under fire. Robert Anthony of Broward
County, Florida has sued Yahoo! Personals for "posting profiles of
fictitious potential dating partners on its Web site to make it look as
though many more singles subscribe to the service than actually do." k
out men with "better" genes.

jp4023's photo
Mon 11/27/06 10:58 PM
hey sushi,I totally agree! being on the net anyone can say what they
want to say and hope you will believe them. it's hard to really trust
anyone and especially if they are long distance gas prices are just
outragous to waste the time and gas to meet someone who says they are 70
but in all reality is only 18 looking for just a 1 nighter

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 11:01 PM
Yeah! So keep it in Cyber world were it belongs.

sushi's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:13 AM
You know you are soooo right. I've really never been scammed but I
remember when I first joined, two of the best looking "ideal" type men
mailed me They were in my age group but were so cute and clever. After
a few messages, I suggested we exchange phone #s. Never heard from them
again..I wrote back to one and asked him what had gone wrong. Again
NOTHING. Now it didn't take me long to figure this one out. They were
there to entice the girls and get them hooked on Match

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:18 AM
Yeah! Hun We guys get it all the time from Dumb Russian Babes who like
our srtusure. Like as if I'm a building or something. Hey! Babe! Like my
beam colum? Or how about my Support Beam too. LOL