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Topic: Not to be depressing but...
FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:26 PM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Thu 01/03/08 10:26 PM
I found the matmatical probability of me getting a girlfriend, please note that the population figures are taken from 1999 and could be more or less now. Either way, the chance is about 18,726. I found this out by doing a google search, if you add in another personal trait I would like in a girl (not willing to say it here) my equation comes to 9,378 (which at end of equation equals .91 dates a day for the days I anticipate living). So as it is it really comes down to 1 in a million haha.

Reference link:

JaceKnows's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:27 PM
Reason # 394 that I love JSH!

no photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:27 PM
you must ride horses..........

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:28 PM
lmao WM you really kill me...

quarrrylife's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:28 PM
you have way too much time on your hands !noway bigsmile

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:29 PM

you have way too much time on your hands !noway bigsmile

Entirely too much :D

no photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:32 PM
So thats why Im striking out!!! And to think I thought it was just me!!!,lollaugh

itsmetina's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:33 PM
come on tell what trait u like

Rose41's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:33 PM
WM reminds me of a fortune cookie LOL

Shaden's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:36 PM
Edited by Shaden on Thu 01/03/08 10:37 PM
My father got remarried about 10 years ago and he's happy. He was in his mid 60's. I wouldn't put too much into that. Stuff like that makes life seem hopeless. It's like someone fearing they will be hit by a car cuz their astro. sign says something bad will happen, so they don't leave their home. Live life and have fun.


Kizzin's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:37 PM
god does things that we cant control

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:41 PM

come on tell what trait u like

You sure you want me to tell...keep in mind I am a punk...

Shaden's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:45 PM
Okay what?

no photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:46 PM

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:48 PM
lightly s/d...look it up if you don't know what that means, but either way I threw the population some slack by splitting the original number 50/50 instead of a statistical number breakdown. I don't put a lot of thought into this by the way I just thought it to be kind of funny that it can be broken down in a mathmatical method such as this.

Shaden's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:54 PM
Evidentally a lot are into that since there are outfits, and whatever. To each their own.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:57 PM
Some like pop-tarts, others waffles...Indeed to each their own.

Shaden's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:07 PM
Hey some even like pancakes.

HMontana's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:12 PM
I am a math I'm TOTALLY into statistics and probablity...What mathematical concepts don't include is FATE....I've been on this website for about 1 week and have found a wonderful man with whom I'm pursuing a relationship. Like my students tell me....math sucks. :smile:

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:14 PM

I am a math I'm TOTALLY into statistics and probablity...What mathematical concepts don't include is FATE....I've been on this website for about 1 week and have found a wonderful man with whom I'm pursuing a relationship. Like my students tell me....math sucks. :smile:

I just thought this was a funny thing, really am not putting a lot of thought into it (hence why I'm still on here). It is rather funny if you think about that statistics can in fact put this into a proven equation and come out with an actual 1/1,000,000 odds lol. Well I thought it was funny anyway. bigsmile

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