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Topic: I love this site LOL
TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 05:51 PM
You will never get bored and if you do your talking to the wrong people.

ZION's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:04 PM
not i desgree am trying to chat with girls i mail and mail and not even
one reply.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:07 PM
Then I would say your trying the wrong approach. I enjoy this site very
much, Now where to go now?

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:08 PM
Sorry, But got a suggestion! A pic might help a little. Not saying you
have to. But most women are not going to reply to someone that don't
have a pic. Just the facts

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:10 PM
IL tell you this much. I have more friends here then any other site I've
been on.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:10 PM
What do you mean I have a pic? And its a place to sit down and relax

ZION's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:11 PM
well i have use my pic over and over and nothing?

ZION's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:15 PM
u know what i mean?

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:19 PM
You need to get into the forums chat, People find it easier to get to
know someone

Tneal's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:21 PM
I love this site also... so many posts so little time!!!

ZION's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:21 PM
how do i do that

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:22 PM
It takes time, nothing is easy in this world. Try a different approach
you never know when things are going to happen.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:22 PM
Zion you are doing it now :)

Pagasus's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:23 PM
never a dull moment here that's for sure

guitarMan73099's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:24 PM
is it just me, or is this sight really growing fast?

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:24 PM
LMAO, that is the whole point

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:25 PM
If it gets dull I'm sure someone will liven it upa little

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:25 PM
Yeah it has been this last week.

guitarMan73099's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:39 PM
i love this site also, it seems like alot of new faces lately, i would
like to make more friends though

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:42 PM
Well the being in the community room helps a little. I can say I have
made some real friends on here.

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