Topic: WHO STIRRED the POT - part 2
no photo
Wed 10/09/24 09:30 PM

Oh god, what did I just read? :hammer:🪃 🧸 :tulip: for all. :joy:

Gia, she finally blushed! :bear::hammer:

Sir's photo
Thu 10/10/24 09:40 AM

Think she got the good good :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 10/24/24 02:37 PM
Devo, for his pys-op trying to get Cathy to admit her crush!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 10/28/24 05:57 PM
I already know who she crushes on ... but he has moved back home to Germany .... but yesh !!! Good try Devo !!!!

Cathy's photo
Tue 10/29/24 01:07 AM
Slim because he thinks his guess is right.
But how it’s really … you don't have to know

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 10/29/24 10:30 AM
Catherine for keeping us guys guessing ... we just have to know !!!

no photo
Sun 11/17/24 02:27 PM
Slim is, to bad the pot is empty.

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 11/18/24 02:50 AM
Kinda agree... if only there were more posters, instead of just people trying to learn and improve their language skills !!!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/18/25 04:50 AM
The pot is so empty at the moment , it's going to take a tremendous effort to fill it ... but if all put in something , it won't be long before I can stir it again ....bigsmile

no photo
Sun 01/19/25 01:50 PM
Oh wow... Some of you are still here... It's Not Looking... I'm back. What trouble can I cause? :thinking::grin:

Cathy's photo
Mon 01/20/25 06:42 AM
:smile: waving
You can stir things up a bit on the forum, I'm very happy to see you back here.

no photo
Mon 01/20/25 07:00 AM
hey, thanks....I'll do my beeeest 🤭

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/20/25 12:29 PM
Finally Dixie is now looking and also looking good . Farewell Not looking to bad there is not a Hammer in sight !!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/20/25 04:04 PM
Forget karna .. whoever that is and follow Dixie ... and let her do the stirring....

no photo
Mon 01/20/25 05:56 PM
haha glad to be back .. and I'll do my best :joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 02:15 AM
Better seek the help of Catherine to do just that ... as she is waiting for some help to ...

no photo
Tue 01/21/25 07:34 AM
haha I'll have to sit back and observe y'all so I can jump in and aggravate. :grin:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 10:05 AM
Looking for leaders on this thread .... followers will not last long before they get bored and quit ... like my friend and great philosopher Hammer !!!!

Cathy's photo
Tue 01/21/25 02:17 PM
Hammer has disappeared and is currently hiding somewhere...
I'm glad I have a Dixie for company :smile:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 03:01 PM
Hammer is just going into hibernation ... it's freezing where he is ... he is lucky to leave the house to ride his little bred tractor ... but yes , hopefully Dixie can help out .... to stir the pot ..... unless Pumpi makes a rare appearance!!!