Topic: True story
EveningKiss's photo
Thu 01/03/08 03:29 PM
Okay, about a Year ago I was at my favorite club in Seattle. I was hanging out with one of my good friends. He's a great guy, strait though likes to wear woman's clothing to the clubs so hen he hits on woman their boyfrieds wont think much about it. (Sad I know)

My good fem friend came in and they REALLY hit it off so I set them up on a date. No big deal. About a week later I get a VERY funny Phone call.

"EVe are you there?"

"Yo what's up hun?"

"Do you know you set me up WITH A GUY?!"

I Froze for a second. Tried not to laugh. I had known my fem friend for a while but didnt realize she has a sex change lol. I knew she was tall but didnt really think much of it.

I appologized and asked if he could forgive me. He said Sure but only if he could get her phone number :tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/03/08 03:31 PM
laugh laugh laugh

jona3x's photo
Thu 01/03/08 03:38 PM
I lived in Portland for 7 years out of highschool. Been to seattle a bunch. Either city I could see something like that happening.