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Topic: Come say Hi, post anything, but No "E's" Allowed
no photo
Thu 05/30/24 09:44 PM
Feel free to have a conversation with the person above you. However, for this game you are not allowed to use the letter "E".

How is your day? :)

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 09:51 PM
Feel free to have a conversation with the person above you. However, for this game you are not allowed to use the letter "E".

How is your day? :)

please help me understand the game.
so far so good. how about yours?

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 09:56 PM
No posting any words with an 'E' in it.

My day was good. Thank you for asking. waving

Vibes's photo
Thu 05/30/24 09:57 PM
Its so hot now :tired_face:

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 10:11 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 05/30/24 10:11 PM
Aww that sucks. Cold baths and your girl fanning you all day would B good. flowers

No air conditioning for Gia

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 11:05 PM
No posting any words with an 'E' in it.

My day was good. Thank you for asking. :wave:

Wonderful to know

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 05/30/24 11:59 PM
I don't want to Play on this Post .
Boring Status !!!

Merry's photo
Fri 05/31/24 02:10 AM

Aww that sucks. Cold baths and your girl fanning you all day would B good. flowers

No air conditioning for Gia

Amazing play, Gia! It's cold in South Africa. Brrrrrrrr!!! :no_mouth::fog:🥶

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 05/31/24 02:43 AM
Edited by Laska Paul on Fri 05/31/24 03:14 AM
Many Many Happy Posting of this Day .
To : South Africa !!!

JustJosh's photo
Fri 05/31/24 03:38 AM
Ar you sur that’s how w play ths gam?

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 05/31/24 03:58 AM
Edited by Laska Paul on Fri 05/31/24 04:00 AM

Ar you sur that’s how w play ths gam?

The right and perfect way is to avoid using E and make any sentence . No short cut allowed . That will spoil the whole plan of the game . This is for Info only .

This Show must start slowly !!!!! Good Day ,

Vibes's photo
Fri 05/31/24 04:03 AM
Post anything avoiding bad things.

Merry's photo
Fri 05/31/24 04:22 AM
Right on, right on!

JustJosh's photo
Fri 05/31/24 04:44 AM
8 out of 14 posts containing naughty thing

Vibes's photo
Fri 05/31/24 04:54 AM
Thoughtful approach to this topic is good

Vibes's photo
Fri 05/31/24 04:54 AM
Thoughtful approach to this topic is good

no photo
Fri 05/31/24 05:02 AM
Did you 🧐 d' sun right now at 5.30pm? :astonished: soo bright and still :ok_hand: hot?

JustJosh's photo
Fri 05/31/24 05:08 AM
My panis hurts

Vibes's photo
Fri 05/31/24 05:08 AM
Hiding in AC within four walls

no photo
Fri 05/31/24 05:18 AM
Had ☕? whats in d' 🥣 for snacking?

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