VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:54 AM

Tho my dreams of you
May seem too real
They don't quite quench
The yearning for your touch
The reality of you escapes me
The truth is unknown
Only the perception of things
Is what I'm able to see
My mind is an open window
Grasping at your words
Painting pictures seen within
Tempting me to stay there with you
As wonderful a place it is
I can not live a fantasy
Only should you appear in life
Could I live these dreams
Thoughts of you envelope me
Guessing what a life may be
With you as my other half
Free me from this dreamland
Reveal your unseen self
Touch me,let me feel you
Kiss me,let me taste you
Show me what of you is real
We are unknown to each other
The unknown holds many things
More than fear,curiosity,wonderment
It feeds on itself,overlapping thoughts
What could be is asked
As I face some fears
I'm asking for what I want
I'm willing to take a chance
Mine asks to know you
Who ever you are,how ever you are
If--you really are

escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:57 AM
Wow...sincerely a beautiful piece of work. Thanks for posting.

codebluejoe's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:57 AM
hi i like your poem

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:11 AM
VenusianWoman...this one's for you...

you may wonder just what it is this truth,
lonely souls are just finding out it's worth,
feeling lost and left out,hearts filling with doubt,
not knowing,nor feeling,this touch of truth,
for it is fleeting at best,like all the rest,
we find our own little truths,even if some lies,
we look into our souls,hearts you can disguise,
masked with words,some swear is th' truth,
but really look into this heart,you'll know it's worth,
do not go gental into that good night,
put up a fight for your right,
no lies nor alibies,just make it right,
hold me tonight,hold me so tight,
within your arms tonight,do you feel it right?
dreams are just a fantasy,some good place to start,
feel your true,feel it too,
from the bottom of your loving Heart.....M.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:33 AM
To touch the soul of someone new,
Will bless my soul and think of you.
I hear your words and wonder why?
I lift my words to touch the sky?

I hear the words that you write,
We wonder if we're mister right?
I wonder too if we miss,
That first the soft a gentle kiss.

The words I write here and evermore,
Could open hearts or close the door.
An answer now to hear my words,
Will lift my smile into the birds.

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:12 AM
oh, so sweet are her words,
thought they came from those birds,
flirting softly,threw my skull,
tho most defenately, not very dull,
fills my heart with so much hope,
love to come,life to cope,
to take her softest kiss,
from loves true bliss,
would be my dream,yes this,
sweetest kiss of poetic bliss,
this does my heart good,
as I knew it would,
to start my poem from my heart,
fill my poems with my art,
give sweet rhyme,and from the heart,
maybe some day,Love True to start?

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:25 AM
could it be i found my one true love
or was he just in a my dream i had last night

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:32 AM
if you had a dream of love,
yes this was a dream from above,
for if you felt it,drink it in ,
and belt it,soak in it's happy glow,
for true you will only know,
if you for me,and wish us to be we,
let me know,for then we may go free,
to fly our sky,flights so high,free,
let us know just who stole th' show,
and won your hearts true,for lonely you?