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Topic: What Three words really go together 111 - part 43
Merry's photo
Thu 07/04/24 09:44 AM
Canada Day too!

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 07/04/24 09:45 AM
that was 1st

Merry's photo
Thu 07/04/24 09:52 AM
I know, lol...

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 07/04/24 12:05 PM
You are funny

Merry's photo
Thu 07/04/24 12:26 PM
Know that too :grin::sunglasses:

no photo
Thu 07/04/24 04:15 PM
Happy Independence Day drinker :flag_us::sparkler::fireworks::boom:

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 07/05/24 02:42 AM
its the weekend

no photo
Mon 07/08/24 04:09 AM
Tattoo healing nicely

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/08/24 06:28 AM
Hazard a guess

Sir's photo
Mon 07/08/24 07:26 AM
Back to work

no photo
Mon 07/08/24 08:33 AM
I love you

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/08/24 01:55 PM
buy a vowel

Sir's photo
Mon 07/08/24 05:32 PM
Nothing but trouble :wink:

no photo
Mon 07/08/24 06:24 PM
Good morning world

Stormy... yes, wore

My work clothes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Slim gym 's photo
Tue 07/09/24 02:52 AM
take a break

no photo
Tue 07/09/24 10:15 AM

Break time’s over :angry: laugh

Sir's photo
Tue 07/09/24 11:33 AM
Need more time :wine_glass::wine_glass:

no photo
Wed 07/10/24 04:09 PM
Hold on tight

no photo
Sun 07/14/24 07:35 PM
President Trump’s Strength drinker :fist::thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 07/15/24 03:34 AM
What the heck

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