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Topic: What Are Gangs?
Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:05 AM
From what I understand, a gang is a group of people, who inflick pain or
abuse, on other people and/or groups of other people or properties and
things. In Cyber Space gang actitivy can be seen, as well. In Cyber
Space { The internet} A gang is a group of people, who appear to be
''friends'' but, some of the time, or most of the time, the Cyber Gang
do not know each other, in person, or may know each other, in person.
Because the Cyber Gang CANNOT, necessary, inflick pain or abuse, on
others, face to face, they join together, on forums, like this one, and
pick on others, who refuse to join in with their abuse of others. With
THAT said, I want to know what can be done to get rid of the gangs. I
KNOW who the gangs are, on certain sites and I KNOW who they are, on
THIS SITE, as well, since I have seen this done to MANY people on this
forum. There would be a LOT more justsayhi people on the forums if it
was not for the fact that they fear being attacted in this Cyber Space,
on Justsayhi.

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:18 AM
Alot of people do things in hiding that they wish they could do in real
life .
Don't worry about these small people its just a weak mind trying to
express itself .
Real people will see thru this and will know the truth

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:24 AM
Thank you, very much, Tattoo, but this Justsayhi is a kinda new
dating/friendship site and I believe there are some peeps, on it, who
want to destory it. I, for one, DO NOT want to see that happen and I
want new people and some of the others, also, to feel free to voice
their opinions without getting attacked by the gang.

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:33 AM
This needs to be posted for awhile...if not ALL day.

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:34 AM
Theres always someone who wants to trash something good.
But without trashy people we wouldnt know good or bad .
I'm not taking up for these people but life would be boring with every
body just alike, too bad they can't use a little finess when they try to
express themselves

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:06 AM
i think that the gang mentality is a cover for cowerdice. the people
involved are just too scared to face life or others on their own so the
go get their friends to "beat"(literally or metaphorically) on others.
not much to do than fight back and go down swinging

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:13 AM

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:14 AM
thanx truth

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:38 AM
OMG, now to draw the line. Truth do you really think people here are
ganging up on you? The simple fact is that you have attacked several
people here and now you post something like this. If this isn't trying
to get attention I don't know what is. You lied about someone being your
X and when YOU decided to admit the TRUTH you claimed it was a joke
meant in fun, because thats what you like to do. I think I have said
what others here will think when they read this garbage you posted. If
they decide to let you have it it is well deserved.Until last night when
I saw you HUMPING someones leg again I was giving you another chance to
be human. I even apologized here for saying the things I did. NOW? Never
again will I turn the other cheek. You are just the opposite of what
your name says. Lies of death would be more appropriate and I for one
will never answer another of you threads again....PERIOD GOODBYE

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:43 AM
if what gryph says is true truth you have serious issues.

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:49 AM
it is ...just go see some of the threads,she should be called:
"justheretostirrshit",or "leghumpersRus",
"fuglyumttlytroll" anything but TRUTH,she has said anything but.

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:50 AM
god michaael are we bitter this morning dreamer. i agree but it's to
early in the morning to get started on her shit

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:51 AM
got a heads up from someone on the site went to check. YOU ARE FULL OF
SHIT TRUTH(in your case that an oxymoron)

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:52 AM
naw Princess not bitter,just sayin' like I'm seein'......M.

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:52 AM
damn you all are fiesty this morning. I actually woke up in a nonbitchy
mood and find you all got it for me. Very true though theronin she is a
bit of an oxymoron heavy on the moron

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:55 AM
lmaorof. she did have a good topic tho. if only the source of the topic
wasn't the problem

CURTIS2006's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:57 AM
i say a gang is a group of people that rely on each for safety since
they can't talk for themselves

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:30 AM
oh contrear monfrere!

most gangs do hide ,,,but from doing a good deed,where as this gang here
is trying to do a good deed,,,
*posting sign*


no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:35 AM
aww come on guys and gals, now it looks like you ganging up on her. LOL
Really I don't care about shit stirrers or leg humpers. You wanna hump
my leg truth, go ahead. You want to stir my shit, go ahead. Once it's
come out of me it no longer is mine I don't want it, so feel free to
play with my shit all you want. :)

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:52 AM
P.S. DO NOT eat the corn ;)

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