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Topic: the person above me has a crush on... - part 6
no photo
Tue 12/05/23 07:45 AM

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 12/05/23 01:54 PM
running River

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 12/06/23 11:02 AM

Devo1974's photo
Wed 12/06/23 06:42 PM
Sue Ellen

no photo
Thu 12/07/23 04:38 AM


YASSSSSSS! Aw man, I miss Deeks.

OT: Someone intelligent.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 12/09/23 04:43 AM
You mean Merry ????

OT : that hot nameless Fireman!!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 12/13/23 06:49 PM
Someone said Catherine was a good match & you said looks like it.

Catherine it is apparently!

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/14/23 01:37 AM
Someone was right ... except for some issues ....age , height and distance ....

OT::: excel for me , I am not going to hazard a guess on anyone else , cause you are easily offended by this game !!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 12/14/23 04:29 PM
I'm the mm game you kept on matching me with Bart and I asked you not to.
So then you match me with random people who don't even talk with me.
I'm not sensitive if you had a real answer/guess. If not, let someone else answer, easy as that.:kissing_heart:

Ot: I'm thinking Leah maybe

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 12/16/23 06:44 AM
You don't even like My Real Guesses , and they are just random guesses .... there is absolutely no pleasing you.... So I am gonna give up and suggest you do the same . Obviously this game , and game it is , does not suit your sensitive nature !!!!

OT ::: Nobody !!!!

no photo
Mon 12/18/23 02:08 PM

Remember when you were little and your mom would say the boy/girl that teased you liked you, even pushed you in the mud or hit you… yes indeed. :point_up_2:

I won't say who, but if you get it you get it.

Christmas is so hard - let's just be nice to each other and play the games without people getting offended. Match me with whoever you want.

Vibes's photo
Tue 12/19/23 09:59 PM
Her self

no photo
Thu 12/21/23 02:06 AM
His wife

Merry's photo
Thu 12/21/23 04:35 AM
Cyrax, Red and Time.
One to make you laugh, one to cook and do the cleanup and one who is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. You can decide who you would like to appoint the titles to :nerd:

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/21/23 10:18 AM
The one who sends her morning kisses and flowers !!!
Me betting it's Devo !!!

Merry's photo
Thu 12/21/23 10:35 AM
Morning kisses...?!? :grin::grin:
I wish!

And why not encourage a romantic reunion with KitKat

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:14 AM
A polo player.

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:21 AM
The upcoming Biltmore Estates tours

Vibes's photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:30 AM
Christmas holidays

Merry's photo
Fri 12/22/23 07:19 AM
Polo player...? Mmmmm interesting @Storm :hibiscus::bouquet::sunflower:

Someone intelligent with a taste for adventure

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