Topic: a plea for musical rebellion
lizardking19's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:45 AM
Whenever I turn on my television
I see Oprah Winfrey
Or some pseudo-authority
complaining about those kids
And their damn hip hop music
I get a little angry
Because you see
My Ipod
Is filled with punk rock
And I want the music of my rebellion
To get the attention its' due
Cmon Diane Sawyer
Please say my music is evil too
It heralds the murder of civilization in ways rap never will
Please Doctor Phil
Talk about the evils of punk rock

I really want the music I listen to
To take back the attention of parents
I've had enough of these hip hop bands
Its time for my music to take a stand
And take the controversy back
It will so much sweeter if its taboo
If there are any
Right wing fascist christian pigs
Reading this or listening to me read this
Write to your local congressman
About how punk rock causes school shootings teen pregnancys and underage drinking
I beg of you
I'm 18 and i dont have much time left
And I'm in desperate need of a youth rebellion

madisonman's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:57 AM
try comeing of age in the 80"s that was some realy crappy music

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:40 PM
You both should listen to 70's music! :wink:
70's rocked...

drinker to your write!