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Topic: Warriors, From a former member
Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 12:11 PM

1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment (OPFOR)
1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, aka the Warriors, plays the
"OPFOR," or Opposing Force, to the training units at each rotation at
the Joint Multinational Readiness Group in Hohenfels. Because they
usually wear all-black battle dress uniforms, the battalion has been
dubbed "the Men in Black," but depending on the type of rotation, they
might don the traditional dress of Iraq, for example. Swathed in robes,
they add a realistic aura by hiding in caves or sauntering along the
streets of their fabricated villages.

The Combat Maneuver Training Center was formed at Hohenfels in 1987 and
is composed of the Operations Group consisting of the staff, the
Observer/Controller teams and the Opposing Force, 1-4 Infantry.

The 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry has served in the defense of the United
States for almost two hundred years. The battalion traces its lineage to
the original Fourth United States Infantry which was formed in 1792,
deactivated in 1802, and the reactivated in 1808. The reactivation was
required in order to meet the growing threat posed by the Indian nations
which lived on the western boundaries of the United States.

During the era of the Indian Wars, the Fourth Infantry was sent, under
the leadership of William H. Harrison, into the Northeast Territories
which included Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. They were sent to eliminate
the threat posed by a union of Indian tribes from the surrounding area.
The hostile actions of these tribes was effectively stopping settlement
of this vast area. General, Harrison, who was later to become a United
States President, led the Fourth Infantry and a force of volunteers into
battle against the Indians at Tippecanoe. During this famous battle, the
American forces completely routed the Indians. This brought peace to the
area, but at a cost of 188 dead or wounded soldiers.

Within months after Tippecanoe, the Fourth Infantry marched into Canada
in the opening days of the War of 1812. The first engagement for the
Fourth Infantry during this war with England was during a resupply
mission near what is now Detroit, Michigan. The Fourth Infantry was
ambushed by a far superior force of British troops and their Indian
allies. Responding to the enemy initiative the Fourth Infantry soldiers
attacked the enemy breastworks and positions, wounded the famous Indian
chief Tecumseh, and completely routed the attackers

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 12:28 PM
If you are interested I can direct you to this Units homepage!
However, I might be risking Uncles Wrath, my main pt.,is that as a
former member of this Unit, I know things you can not read about them.
Why Sam hides the all facts I can only speculate, but the truth remains
hidden! I find it hard to be naive about the going on's of the great
Uncle and I know a little bit about it! I am afraid, almost of what I
reveal already! The best I can hope for is that they will write me off
as a kook! which believe me, I am not!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 12:38 PM
I await a knock upon my door!

Sluggo's photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:23 PM
Sounds cool, but I'm missing the point of what you're trying to tell me?

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:30 PM
Uncle sam is not what he says nor does he say the truth! We used to say
that the closet thing to communism in the us is the US ARMY and also
that is the governments biggest secret!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:32 PM
Google----1/4Infantry Regiment,Warriors
I was in A company 1/4

Sluggo's photo
Fri 11/24/06 02:21 PM
About "We used to say that the closet thing to communism in the US is
the US ARMY" As I said at the beginning I knew this going in; a neighbor
and a good friend of the family was a Navy Commodore during Nam, a best
Friends father during Jr High & HS was Colonel at NORAD, another father
was a Colonel on the Air Force Academy and I graduated from AAHS which
is on the Academy so I restate I was Not naïve going in, my eyes were
wide open.

As far as your comment “that is the governments biggest secret!” well I
think Jack said it best in “A Few Good Men” when he was on the stand and
said “You want the truth? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Information is
out there and if people want to ignore it to remain naïve as to what is
going on around them and that’s their buffer for a mental protection to
themselves then they are what you call Sheep: More power to them if
that’s how they want to go through life. Additionally there are some
pretty dumb people out there that just can’t comprehend most of what’s
going on or why it is done and the “System” (selecting the Gov and
issues at hand while voting) is set up to either weed them out of
decisions or “Dumbify” so they can understand an issue at hand (to their
limited capabilities.

So you tell me, am I missing something?

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 02:55 PM
I do not discuss these issues with the people out there that have no
idea as to the related issues, and it does not take but a few words for
me to tell who they are! I have been there and done that, and have been
told not to talk about these things. Later I look and notice and realize
that they can not control what I say or what I think and my natural
intelligence, and free thought take over and my eyes tell me that I was
told lies at the time, and that the government continues to tell lies to
all Americans. As such I can not consciously help them continue to lie,
or stay silent to the truth!
My father worked for a group with the acronym ADATS and I know all about
NORAD and SAC. I graduated High school at Alamogordo, N. Mexico where My
father worked on sensitive projects for the great Uncle, I am also
College educated and I am not blind.
So please do not take me as a fool or a Kook that subscribes to the
one-sided opinionated web-sites that are too prevalent.I am well aware
of these site's and do not agree with them, but we do have freedom of
speech in this country yet. I do not take you as such and am not trying
start a revolution> If I thought you were anything other than
intelligent I would not waste my words! I also believe that we live in
the greatest country in the world, but I do not agree that that is
good-enough we should continue to improve and not become complacent. I
do think that somewhere since the end of WWII that we have lost
direction and the idea of what America is about!

Sluggo's photo
Fri 11/24/06 03:10 PM
Yet you sided with WILL and decided to try to shut me up by calling me a
Sheep because you didn't like what I was saying? Now I'm confused....

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 03:14 PM
No and Yes, I was not directly calling you a sheep! And sometimes I am
full of Shit!!!!!!!!1111

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/24/06 03:25 PM
When I talk about the naive youth, I am mostly talking of the patriotic
who think that they are going to rush off to combat and come back
hero's. When you fist see 4 guys blown to shit, so as that youcan not
tell which body parts are which or whose and that it could have been
you, regardless of the training that you have recieved. Then the naive
young man that you were realizes that surviving has more to do with luck
than the John Wayne movies that you grew up watching! Then you think was
this a good idea and is the cause worth it. Maybe this will help you to
understand where I am coming from!

Awesome Unit though dont you agree!!!!!!!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/24/06 10:23 PM
I would also like to say that I don't go and check out those conspriacy
sites either. My comments are based on history(recent history
especially), what I have heard Bush say, what his cabinet, or whatever
they're called in the US, has said. I don't read the newspapers insofar
as looking to see their opinion. I just want the facts. I can form my
own intelligent opinion tyvm.
There have been other weird things that make me not exactly trust the
intentions of certain ppl that are REALLY behind the decision making in
the states.
Several years ago, there was a unit training in northern Vermont or
Connecticut or one of those New England states that borders Canada. The
name of the unit or its designation escapes me now, but they were
primarily a unit trianed in desert warfare.
Seems a little strange they'd be training in an environment that is
pretty much what they'd be dealing with in that part of Canada lol.
The difference between myself and a lot of other ppl is, I listen to
what politicians say and then put it into perspective with what they've
said in the past. Far too often what is being presently touted as truth
or fact, is in complete denial of previous statements or actions. And
they hope to hell the voters are too apathetic to really be paying
attention. Which, sadly, is the case with far too many ppl.
The US IS a great nation, no doubt about it, and the electoral process
there is( or was until recently apparently) the best way to go. BUT,
that doesn't mean that occassionally someone less than desirable can get
into office. Don't forget tho, just cuz you guys are sposed to be the
good guys(and for the most part you are) doesn't mean a leader can't be
corrupted by the power he has leading the 2nd most powerful nation and
the most powerful FREE nation.(Sorry, but there is NO way you guys are
more powerful than China lol)

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/25/06 01:48 AM

Just the fact lady. Just the facts.

Sluggo's photo
Sat 11/25/06 01:51 AM
Just a side comment about the 2nd most powerful nation there. No doubt
that they have the most populated country in the world but their
infantry would never make it over here (their Navy isn't big enough to
carry them or to make it past ours).

No Doubt though, their Country is too Big and too Populated to attempt
to march into, however it is a Communist and you never know how many
will surrender at first sight (just to switch to the Free side, the same
thing that happened in battles in Iraq)

Bottomline, there are several Countries that can fuck this planet up
beyond being livable so lets just call it a bunch tied for #1

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:24 AM
good point Sluggo. With all the countries that have ballistic nukes,
they're all big boys on the block.
As far as China being communist, I don't recall the Chinese soldiers
surrendering in droves during the Korean War. And don't forget, in
totalitarian regimes, the option to surrender may not be that attractive
if you know they will kill your family if you do.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:05 AM
And animal that is exactly why the US does not fuck with Korea now, as
far as Iraq they were and had been under control for years and were not
a threat to anyone not even there neighbors. They had no Navy, and their
Air Force was unable to fly! It was kinda like beating up on a Retarded
Kid! No contest but the easy Victory was a good oppurtunity for George
to get in the history books> It is for the rest of us to ensure exactly
what those books will say and so far his approval rate portrays that
very well. In Korea there was never a Victory, It is the longest seize
fire recorded in the history of the world!
Iraq bvesides being the retarded kid on the block, was also well suited
to the kinda warfare that our far superior survalance capabilities are
sited for. There is no vegetation to hide anything from view of our
Iran's topography on the other hand is far different and I do not
believe that our country will to anything to stop them from acuiring a
nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, If they do not get our bot's out of there
before that time then all the Iranians have to do is set 1 Nuke off in
the mouth of the Persian Gulf, say ontop of the uss reagan. and then
rush their 4 million + Army into the region and we will suffer a defeat
the likes of which we have never seen! We may recover and when victory
in the end but at what cost and how many years later!
Am I the only one that sees the possibility of this reality!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:24 AM
ummmmm easy victory?? Saddam may have been captured but the war is far
from over sadly.
And no Fanta, you're NOT the only one that sees that possibilty. I'm
afraid that Bush has unwittingly committed the US to having to KEEP a
large military contingent in the mid-east for many, MANY years to come.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:32 AM
Did I tell you I was running for President!!!! Yep, Fanta 2008

We should have left after taking Bagdad, emptied our prisons of all
child molesters and let them rebuild the fucking place theirselves!

Since dumbass Bush had to go anyway!

Sluggo's photo
Sat 11/25/06 01:43 PM
I don't see Iran knocking off an Arabian Sea Carrier Fleet anytime soon
or risking their country turning into a battle field over the

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:16 PM
These little third world countries, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, N.
Korea, don't need big armies. They can sneak into the US, Canada,
Russia, Britain and fuck us over as you well know; 9/11.

So all they need is technology and be sneaky. That's the new Battle
front. Get inside the enemy and lay low until the right moment.

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