Topic: What is the person above scared of - part 2
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Wed 06/14/23 03:08 PM
Using his new riding lawn mower

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Wed 06/14/23 03:17 PM
Me not having chocolate covered strawberries to tease her with.

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Wed 06/14/23 03:27 PM
Me having my own and not sharing

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Wed 06/14/23 03:46 PM

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Wed 06/14/23 03:48 PM

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 06/15/23 09:49 AM
Working too many hours

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Thu 06/15/23 09:52 AM
Fishing reel line snarl

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 06/15/23 09:55 AM
Falling of lawn mower

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Thu 06/15/23 10:00 AM
Hot lurkers not checking in!

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Thu 06/15/23 01:48 PM
I’m here. Lol

Running out of spit and having to use margarine

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Thu 06/15/23 03:52 PM
Not being told a bedtime story :cry:

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Thu 06/15/23 07:29 PM
It can’t be rare. I call my mom I get a story, Call my siblings stories, call my best friend getting my cards read, how crappy my choices in men are and a story, kids come home from work stories…life is about the experiences you have and sometimes when someone passes on all you have left is stories. Tell make belief stories, have that camp fire, blanket fonts on a rainy day and enjoy each other company.

Hearing my stories

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Thu 06/15/23 10:47 PM
Gia is scared of having to cook dinner for all the M2 forum regulars at the yearly social in Key West this year.

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Fri 06/16/23 02:13 PM
Diet Mountain Dew

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Fri 06/16/23 02:44 PM

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Fri 06/16/23 04:49 PM

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 06/17/23 03:26 AM
Round 2 leading to a relationship!!

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Sat 06/17/23 03:29 AM
Waking up and realizing it's round 3.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 06/17/23 03:31 AM
Round 3 is the last chance to make headway.... it's now or never!!!

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Sat 06/17/23 11:34 AM
Women not talking about him