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Topic: the person above me has a crush on... - part 5
no photo
Sun 08/21/22 01:09 PM
Someone extremely intelligent who lives far far away. waving

no photo
Sun 08/21/22 03:53 PM
The dolphin whisperer :dolphin:

no photo
Sun 08/21/22 04:16 PM
Betty Boop bigsmile

no photo
Sun 08/21/22 04:29 PM
Mick Dundee

no photo
Sun 08/21/22 04:39 PM
Oooo Yes! love

Daisy Duke!

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 03:26 AM

Someone extremely intelligent who lives far far away. waving

If only the Viking comprehended how much. waving

OT: Someone emotionally stable. Available. Laid back and on a similar spiritual path. flowerforyou

Vibes's photo
Mon 08/22/22 03:31 AM
An even tampered person

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 01:11 PM

Sir's photo
Mon 08/22/22 01:53 PM
Carol Burnett

Merry's photo
Mon 08/22/22 02:40 PM

Sir's photo
Mon 08/22/22 03:48 PM
That mysterious man over there!

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 03:59 PM

Sir's photo
Mon 08/22/22 04:14 PM

:muscle: Man with the muscles

Devo1974's photo
Mon 08/22/22 07:21 PM
Kinda looking like Gia ?

Sir's photo
Mon 08/22/22 07:56 PM
Merry :christmas_tree:

Vibes's photo
Tue 08/23/22 03:32 AM

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 08/23/22 04:09 PM

no photo
Tue 08/23/22 09:48 PM
This guy???

Vibes's photo
Tue 08/23/22 09:56 PM
Kit kat

Sir's photo
Tue 08/23/22 10:47 PM

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