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Topic: Things to do when it is raining. A-Z - part 4
Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sat 06/10/23 12:24 AM

Next one starts with Z!

Zis one for example?

no photo
Thu 06/15/23 11:02 PM
Always stare at the smexy neighbor dancing in the rain

Merry's photo
Fri 06/16/23 10:23 AM
Busy being blasé

no photo
Fri 06/16/23 10:27 AM
Candle making

Merry's photo
Fri 06/16/23 10:29 AM
Diving into the swimming pool

no photo
Fri 06/16/23 10:32 AM
Enjoy dancing in the rain

Merry's photo
Fri 06/16/23 10:37 AM
Finding my favourite "feel good" film on the telly

no photo
Fri 06/16/23 11:32 AM
Go to the spa

no photo
Thu 06/22/23 03:46 PM
Hang out with the smexy neighbor if she lets me in the door...

no photo
Thu 06/22/23 11:58 PM
It's interesting to have voice message conversations if I'm that lazy to type in ☺

Vibes's photo
Fri 06/23/23 12:09 AM
Jacket or raincoat will be perfect to wear during rains

no photo
Fri 06/23/23 12:14 AM
Keep listening to the song when someone is ready to sing for me amidst the sound of the rain 🌧:thunder_cloud_rain:

Vibes's photo
Fri 06/23/23 12:18 AM
Listening to music and old songs is the best timepass

no photo
Fri 06/23/23 12:48 AM
Must be :yum: to hold the raindrops in my hands and sprinkle on the one who is staring at me 🤪

Vibes's photo
Fri 06/23/23 12:54 AM
Naughty children like to play in the rain amidst the parents scoldings

no photo
Fri 06/23/23 01:16 AM
Observe the one who dances in the rain from my binocular🧐:wink:

Vibes's photo
Fri 06/23/23 01:18 AM
Pleasant showers sometimes make us shiver

no photo
Fri 06/23/23 01:48 AM
Quickly open the umbrella 🤷‍♀️

Vibes's photo
Fri 06/23/23 01:53 AM
Rain Rain go away- is the song kids sing while raining.

no photo
Fri 06/23/23 02:09 AM
Shutting the glass windows and gazing through the pouring waters on it, is also lovely :heart_eyes:

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