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Topic: Hot or not - part 3
no photo
Tue 10/18/22 05:17 PM

Horse drawn sleigh rides

Vibes's photo
Tue 10/18/22 05:22 PM

Bullock cart ride?

no photo
Wed 10/19/22 03:47 PM
Looks cool, so hot

Riding an elephant?

no photo
Wed 10/19/22 10:59 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 10/19/22 11:00 PM
Hot - once in a lifetime experience

Bonfire for 2 on a cold fall night?

Vibes's photo
Wed 10/19/22 11:01 PM
Real hot

Enjoying a walk in the cool mid night ?

no photo
Wed 10/19/22 11:06 PM
Super Hot :heart:

Your date making you dinner as a first date?

Vibes's photo
Wed 10/19/22 11:24 PM
Really hot and hit

Dining in open moonlight?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 10/20/22 06:00 AM

A drive up a coast?

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/20/22 09:47 AM
Carolina Reaper

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 10/20/22 11:38 AM



Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 10/20/22 01:05 PM




No scared

Pasta salad or potato salad (created by me, of course)

Mrmxb's photo
Sat 10/22/22 12:51 PM
Hot, (I hope you are good on this work :wink: :wave:)

drinking cinnamon salep in the cold days?

no photo
Sat 10/22/22 07:40 PM
Cinnamon what? Definitely not a Canadian thing. No cinnamon drink for me. 🤢

Doing the tortilla challenge just so you can smack your date in the face (with a tortilla of course)? Not abuse if it’s a game. :smiling_imp:

Slim you want to play? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Omg, I want to do this. My kids won’t, they said I’ll snap and beat them to death with the tortilla. :joy::joy::joy:

Mrmxb's photo
Sat 10/22/22 10:19 PM
Salep/salep originates from the Middle East and is a beneficial beverage for the body, usually made with milk and containing sugar, which is drunk in cold weather. It can be said that it has some aphrodisiac and some sleep-inducing properties. A little cinnamon powder is sprinkled on this ready-to-drink salep in a glass. Cinnamon is a spice originating from East Asia. I really recommend it if you can find it there :grin:.

There are breads that look alike tortilla here ,

Red tea?

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 10/24/22 02:43 AM
Any tea is hot

Throwing snowballs at Gia

no photo
Mon 10/24/22 04:22 AM
Super hot if you want a show job boy! I for the record said snow for the man that read something else. Still wearing the jockstrap Slim? :grin:

Snow angels and bottle of wine after a snowfall?

no photo
Wed 10/26/22 09:00 PM

passionate kissing on the sofa in front of a fire in the fireplace on a snowy cold day?

no photo
Fri 10/28/22 02:36 AM
Spicy 🌶 🥵 - I sleep on the couch, so no messes. I’m not sleeping in the wet spot. Hahaha

Learning about astrology and your birth chart on a first date? :joy:

Sir's photo
Fri 10/28/22 06:03 AM

A candle lite dinner and good music!

Vibes's photo
Fri 10/28/22 06:31 AM

Tea with snacks

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