Topic: my thoughts on women... | |
Yes, I admit you have a point about being realistic. All I'm saying is that there is enough gender bashing on both ends and although we all can tend towards being suspicious, showing that we are can lead to negativity. I'm all for discussions and laying out opinions. However, if someone disagrees with me I don't like to be automatically judged, especially if we simply don't share the same views.
However, since the person who started this topic has not bothered to post anything further... I would say that seems odd.
I think...some people should stop thinking.
Dude, it's women... Love them or hate them. Play the game and play to win, or don't bother playing at all. That's how I see it. Not that it is a good thing, but it seems that since I don't care if I get a girl or not, seems to be giving me more women than I can handle. Yet nothing I would LIKE to see. Want that special feeling or that certain one who catches all my attention, not the many that I can sleep with doing the snap of the fingers. *Sigh*, where are you? LOL Nice thoughts though. I would say that is a very good observation for the majority.