Topic: A Christmas Story
Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 07:07 PM
A Christmas story

To tell a story of holiday cheer,
A story told throughout the year.
Yet tell a story long and old,
Of a son, it was foretold.

You see this world was yet to see,
A world of hopes, smiles and glee.
This world was filled with bitter strife,
To walk the roads, and fear for life.

The kings of old some do say,
Were told by voice from far away.
They were told, there would be a son,
That soon would be, the only one.

These kings of old, they did fear,
The birth of him, for many a year.
The tales told them, had been told,
Would cost them more, than all their gold.

The children of the lamb I’m told,
Searched for him, of one foretold.
They searched high, they searched low,
For many a night, of where to go.

They searched the stars all through night,
To seek a sign that burned so bright.
Then one night, a star did shine,
A gift from high it was divine.

It guided the many, strong and able,
Lambs of god, to a stable.
The gifts they bared from the start,
Were gifts of love from the heart.

A gift of song so gentle and true,
A song so sweet and yet so blue.
The song it sang from voices within,
To sing along, meant it was to begin.

A life began as some would say,
A life of love was born this day.
Now we speak of times that passed,
Yet this story, forever will last.

So seek ye now the gentle man,
That touches hearts without a hand
A story of life was set to begin,
We celebrate his birth and love within

He seeks to only help the soul,
Of loves lost and tales told.
This story I told unlike the rest,
Is praise to him it is my best.


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 07:10 PM
May God Bless you all this season of cheer.

Truthoflife's photo
Wed 11/22/06 07:28 PM

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:45 PM
Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed them. Please accept my apology for
things I have said in the past.


okieangel's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:45 PM
you are the filled with such wonderfull words and thought I so glad I
meet you three years ago. and so thank you for you friendship still to
this day
:* ;)

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 11:02 PM