Topic: Hey i have a problem
ford95babe's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:15 PM
A friend of mine called today and said her brother was back in town and
wanted to talk to me and she asked me if she could give him my number 10
yrs ago we dated and we broke up because he had to move due to his job
and i couldnt go with him because i had to young children at home and i
didnt want to leave my family well today he called me and said "honey i
am back and i want us to get back togehter i have not stopped thinking
about you". i did care alot for this man we was engaged but i have
really moved on but i am afraid seeing him will bring back past feelings
that i had for him and i dont want to cause anyone any pain so what
should I do

GypsyEyes's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:25 PM
Ford, sounds like you may have still have some unresolved feelings for
this man or you would not be afraid of seeing him, if you truley have
moved on just tell him so, that way he can move on too...

ford95babe's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:32 PM
well for 10 yrs when people mentioned his name i had to keep telling
myself i moved on i still go and look at my ring he gave and i reread
all the letter we wrote back and forth

GypsyEyes's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:49 PM
Sounds like you still have feelings for him Ford, you better think about
it awhile before you take action...

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:55 PM
Ford i need to tell you if you still care about him and he cares about
you dont let him go because if you do you might never have the chance to
see what could of been i let my man go because i thought i wanted more
and i found a mna who turned out abusive to me i wish you the best
with your decision ford and may God be with you and guide you the
right way

Tneal's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:59 PM
WOW.. I wish you good luck on this Ford. Are you in a possition to
where you can be with him?

I would accually talk to him. See where his head is at. Tell him where
yours is, and then see where the chips fall.

You must have good feeling about this guy or you would not even
contiplate seeing him. But please, if he wants you back, take it slow.
If he tries to rush you, don't let him. You have kids to consider.

Best of Luck

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:02 PM
TNeal i know the guy and he is a sweetie andi was so upset when they
broke up they was together for 4yrs and then it was like they both was
crushed and i know he loves her now still he hasnt moved on and i can
recall all the times he had a chance to go out with other girls but

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:04 PM
Ford, apparently you still have feelings for this person, i would build
a friendship/relationship first because it has been 10 yrs and go from

LaceyElizabeth's photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:05 PM
i thought u were happy with the man u are with?

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:05 PM
Meet up with him talk see where his *life* is and tell him where urs is.
When you meet him it may not feel the *same* as before and maybe it
will... you will never no till then.. you owe your self some closure or
maybe even a new opening. You heart will tell you. He probly also need
that last *try* to see if he still really feels the same as he did
before. Go meet with him and see what happens.. best of luck!

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:11 PM
i think she is happy with him Lacey but he has been hitting on me for
about 4 weeks and i told her

no photo
Fri 11/24/06 12:45 PM
Ford the way it is if you like him and how much? You can get hurt again
but anyone you meet has that potential, He walked out on you in the past
but life is about change and I am sure he has changed, hopefully for the
better. Best thing to do is try if you like/love him still because if
you don't you will always wonder what could have been.

no photo
Fri 11/24/06 12:47 PM
But then again I read this (I am Not looking because i found that
special man.) in your profile and if you already have a special man then
you need to tell the old flame to move on

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:04 PM
Ms. Ford???

What about the man you are seeing now?

does your old flame know of him yet?

think about this,before you will save feelings,....M.

no photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:04 PM
Ford, swetie, take it slow and build on a friendship, just because you
two was together years ago doesn't mean that you guys pick up where you
left off, you have a whole live time to become more but you need a
foundation for anything strong first. That only comes with time and
patience, good luck to you.

izzynavi's photo
Fri 11/24/06 01:07 PM
Analizing all discussed:
1)I agree with Tneal on taking it slow, you have someone new. If
something does exist, then you could be hurting that someone new if you
don't acknowledge it. If there are no feelings for him, then he has to
move on....did he maintain communications with you throughout those
years in which he was away? I know I would have, if you really meant
that much!
2)Closure, as put by sherrie, is important. You can have it if you don't
confront the situation first hand. And last
3)if what imurgirl, wrires, beware of whom your with. Find the truth
behind her words - for your sake!

Life sends us some unexpect turns, be wise in taking them.

Sluggo's photo
Fri 11/24/06 02:44 PM
If I recall correctly there was another thread where Ford realized the
Guy she liked and was with was effectively a Loser because he wanted to
mess around on her after telling her to remain faithful and true. The
general consensus of the thread was "Kick the Loser to the Curb and
Build Self-Esteem before locking yourself down”…If I am correct I think
this answers a lot.

Ford, does this mean you are still seeing the Dude that wants to play
around and told you it?