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Topic: What do you think the person above you's first name is? - part 3
no photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:24 AM

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:25 AM
Angel :angel:

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:25 AM
flowerforyou Bruna

prashant01's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:29 AM

prashant01's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:31 AM

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:31 AM

 Maria195's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:32 AM
Teresa :smile:

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:33 AM
Maria Carolina happy

hellsboy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:36 AM
My maa!!!

prashant01's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:36 AM


...sorry,that's for missy

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:37 AM
Mr. Creativity

hellsboy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:37 AM
Prashant ur hippyman!!

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:40 AM

 Maria195's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:42 AM
She has a heart of gold flowerforyou

prashant01's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:50 AM
Edited by prashant01 on Thu 02/20/14 07:50 AM

 Maria195's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:10 AM
Edited by Maria195 on Thu 02/20/14 08:11 AM
Good looking doctor?

hellsboy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:15 AM
Prashant ur hooligan!!!
U know till today morning(night here right now) I was really happy to see an indian in the forums. . But ur saying such names to people here that I feel ashamed. . Whats dis zandugal b all stuff dude?? Better respect all here and give nice complimenting names which all can understand and feel nice... please if u can do so... else stop being part of forums because I dnt want ppl disrespecting my country or natives here just because of stupid like you who just sees fun in disrespecting others... n if u wanna know why I wrote dis... bcoz missy is my maa, maria my aunt and rcb my best friend here... so avoid

 Maria195's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:24 AM

Prashant ur hooligan!!!
U know till today morning(night here right now) I was really happy to see an indian in the forums. . But ur saying such names to people here that I feel ashamed. . Whats dis zandugal b all stuff dude?? Better respect all here and give nice complimenting names which all can understand and feel nice... please if u can do so... else stop being part of forums because I dnt want ppl disrespecting my country or natives here just because of stupid like you who just sees fun in disrespecting others... n if u wanna know why I wrote dis... bcoz missy is my maa, maria my aunt and rcb my best friend here... so avoid

Well said little bunny! Is the reason I apologize to him after I told him to do me a favor and GO AWAY. Because he miss respect me first. But now is all good on my part after I offer my apologies, not sure if he read my comment. But I agree with you Little Bunny...HI FIVE TO YOU!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:28 AM
Sonny #3 flowerforyou

hellsboy's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:28 AM
Hi 5 aunt...flowerforyou flowerforyou

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