Topic: puke!
Jam1e's photo
Mon 12/24/07 11:09 PM
the bar manager heard a knock at the back door,opened it and a bum was there,the bum asked for a toothpick,bar manager gave him one,few momants later another knock, bar manager answers, another bum, again asked for a toothpick,bar manager gave him one, a few momants later another knock, bar manager says what the hell? answers it, another bum, let me guess you want a toothpick? bum says no can i have a straw,why says the manager? well the bum says theres a drunk who threw up and the other two already got all the good stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

jayson714's photo
Mon 12/24/07 11:33 PM
guess what... i drank a lot and didnt puke tonight... been like ayear since i puked.. haha *****es..... o yea if u r gonna respond to this message me cause i dont care about this bullitin ****