Topic: Kelsey Ware
Mon 12/24/07 02:14 PM
Edited by INEEDLOVEFROMYOU on Mon 12/24/07 02:25 PM
This is the name of a scam,I only wasted time,but on a site I found,they said the point was to try to get you to cash fake checks or some thing.I was telling some one I know about this then,I though I should post about it.I found this person on TRUE and the name was vanilagrl[???].I hope no one else wastes their time on this scam.I think it was but I am not sure I will check and post this site also.It is a must read for any one who meets people online.I hope we all have luck in love and life.TRULY Kennybigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile