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Topic: Arrrggg, One More Year Of Getting Sucked Back Into Christmas
lulu24's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:25 PM
you know, i think you should suck it up and accept the presents.

there is a HUGE amount of joy from finding the perfect gift for someone and giving them that something special. when done with love, it's overpowering.


my personal Christmas story for the year:

we weren't going to do anything big for Christmas this year...and it was actually the kids' idea. it's been a really rough few months, and my van won't make the trip to mom's. to me, Christmas is really about family...so since we couldn't be WITH them, we decided not to celebrate much, just go to mass and have a small dinner.

we-ell...my work bought each of my kids 100 bucks worth of stuff...and my friends gave me a card with 100 bucks in it, as well...

when my girlfriend brought me home (since my van was broken down), her hubby was waiting at my house with a 27" television and remote with tv stand.

my mom brought family members to meet and spend the day with us yesterday, since we couldn't make the trip there...and we had a fabulous day.

friday, we received a box of clothing and toys from raegan's school from her teacher...

TODAY, however, was kind of the kicker. rae's teacher called, and said that she had stuff for us. when i went to meet her...WOW. probably fifteen gifts PER CHILD, as well as five or six for ME. my littlest even got a brand-new pink bicycle. stockings stuffed full...bags embroidered with my babies' names on them...her suburban was FULL of stuff.

after we unloaded everything, she handed me a disposable camera, asking that i take pics of the joy on the face of my babes...

my children have NO IDEA what's coming. they chose to not have me spend money on them, since they knooooow how little we have. but when they wake on Christmas morn, they'll have a mound of things.

while a part of me wants to say "no", the rest of me just can't wait to see the look on their faces.

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