Topic: Regarding The "Age" Issue.... | |
there ios no rule of age
only rules of people who are compatible with each other it all depends on how each one another is comfortables of age difference |
yes but you're also 44 how many careers are available in 2007 for a person at age 19? In this day and age you NEED a degree to start a business or have a real career. My brother had a "career" at age 18 folding boxes and you know where he is now at age 28? On our couch sponging off of us (he owes me the brother who works at a crappy retail job $400) and he works maybe 2-3 months a year. Actually there is a place for people your age if you want to start a career it's in the armed services. a military career can be great for the younger person. You'll get to see the world and meet new people and cultures. |
As long as both are at or over the legal age of consent then age shouldn't matter. I have and 18 yr old niece if she dated a man my age (40) or older, then my only concern if he would love her and protect her. To me it's the level of maturity that's important. There are some 18 yr olds who have a lot of maturity and some 50 yr olds who have the maturity of a 5 yr old.
All im going to say is that it is not right to generalize age groups. I moved out of my parents house when i was 17, got pregnant at 19, and am now turining 21 on monday. I have supported myself and my son the whole time. I have a job, and am returning to college to get my degree. i have already done a lot more with my life then some 50 year olds i know.
I think age "can" matter but doesn't always have to, as long as they are of legal age (as someone said).
Some issues I see with age - I doubt I would date anyone my daughter's age, would feel really weird and not sure what I would have in common with someone 24 years younger than me. Physically - people are at different stages in their lives. Younger women worry about pregnancy, may want children, etc. Women in their 50s are either going into, or have been through, menopause so don't have that issue to deal with, or PMS, periods, etc., but they have other issues, concerns about some of the cancers that can hit women as they get older, i.e., breast, ovarian, etc., and, of course, heart disease and the other "diseases" that can happen to older women and men. Sexuality is an issue as people age. Men also develop issues as they age. "Some" men start to experience erectile dysfunction in their 50s and 60s, and there are drugs (Viagra, Cialis, Lyrica) to help but still can cause problems if he were dealing with this and had a much younger girlfriend. Men (starting) in their 50s also have to be concerned with prostate cancer, etc., and the heart disease as I listed above. I guess my point would be that if you are in your 20s, 30s and 40s, age isn't that big a deal. Once you get into your 50s and older, you may want to have someone a little closer to your age, or at least be sure they are supportive and understanding because you never know what might happen. I am 56 and I have had several friends deal with breast cancer recently and other issues that seem to "pop-up" in our age range. Lex, you commented on someone not dating an 85-year-old, depending on where that person was in their life, the 85 y/o person may be a perfect match for someone younger, but you would expect them to be set financially, retired and hopefully healthy. My concern would be the age thing, if you wanted long term, who knows with someone that age, but then none of us ever really knows how long we have on this earth either. I couldn't see myself dating someone 85, as my dad is 80 and it just wouldn't feel right for me. These are some of the issues I see with dating people who are a lot younger or a lot older than yourself. It ultimately comes down to the person and what feels right for them, if it is true love and they are comfortable with the person, then age shouldn't enter into it. |
All im going to say is that it is not right to generalize age groups. I moved out of my parents house when i was 17, got pregnant at 19, and am now turining 21 on monday. I have supported myself and my son the whole time. I have a job, and am returning to college to get my degree. i have already done a lot more with my life then some 50 year olds i know. exactly dats why as i get older i wont question ones who are younger and wat they dont know i mean i used to be their age why do some adults still forget this? |
Lex.... I have met wise old women in 10 year old bodies, ancient wizened old men, dressed as 22 year olds. I have met immature childish, people in their 70's.
For me I see age as maturity, experiential, not chronological. I personally am attracted to people who walk their talk, and can show that, through their communication... the date of birth on their driver's license or birth certificate means squat to me. Some have lived whole lifetimes, beyond the imaginable, in a handful of years, others, haven't left the nest of protection, at 50. |
age matters to me, but I have a larger range I would be willing to date then most I'm sure. I have dated men atleast 20 years older then me, but I have found that they are too mature for me, I have also dated younger then myself, and I was too mature for them. I don't base people on their ages, but by their maturity levels matching mine.
The guy I am interested in right now is 11 years older then me, but we get along great because I am a little more mature then girls my age, and he is a little more immature then guys his age. So I guess what I'm saying is age is just a number, but it's who the person is as to whether it really matters or not! |
Lex.... I have met wise old women in 10 year old bodies, ancient wizened old men, dressed as 22 year olds. I have met immature childish, people in their 70's. For me I see age as maturity, experiential, not chronological. I personally am attracted to people who walk their talk, and can show that, through their communication... the date of birth on their driver's license or birth certificate means squat to me. Some have lived whole lifetimes, beyond the imaginable, in a handful of years, others, haven't left the nest of protection, at 50. Jess you are a wise lady although age is chronological maturity and life experience also plays a big part in who one dates and maybe marries. |