Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 13 | |
Games here are a source of fun
Fun, we do have here
here you people are having a lot of fun I can see ...
Here the time is nearing for me to leave as I have an hour’s drive ahead of me
Ser me saying hello to dude and telling delightful to have a wonderful day, drive safe
Ser me saying hello to dude and telling delightful to have a wonderful day, drive safe hello mam ️️️ safe is the new mantra of todays' being. stay safe ( you get SAFE back again to form a sentence ️️️ ) |
Safe breakers go directly to jail, do not collect$200, do not pass go
( oh how do i form a sentence with 'go' )
go on go on it's your day today, go on go on .. ️️️ |
On point with your use of go today |
today is a bright day, wish you a bright one tomorrow too, so go on go on .. ️️️
On my way have a wonderful day
Day dreaming is a good thing coz it keeps one smiling and happy
Happy and safe are the best ways to be feeling
Feeling great as it is a nice spring day!
Days seem to go on a forever sometimes
Sometimes you just got to roll with the punches
Punches in most parties are usually spiked.
Spiked punch used to be one of my joy juice favorites along with jello shots in my party animal days
Days gone by, but we've still got the memories
️ Hi
Memories are the best things that happen and bring tears of joy ️ |