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Topic: whats the point of being on here
kkoldazice's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:34 AM
lol, do you ever wonder how many emails some people get a day? and how many say the same things? hey what's up? how are u? it gets OLD! you get sick of typing the same reply. over and over. i'll say this one more time... since this is just like the other thread... you want action... make yourself stand out! don't just say how attractive he/ she is. pick up on something in the profile that you can actually talk about. then talk about it. make them want to talk to you.

you've got one shot. don't blow it with "hi, what's up?"

it would even be better if you told them you didn't enjoy something or had never tried something they find interesting. then you'd atleast have their attention.

JRod6119's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:54 PM
I'm still new to this site,I wasn't getting any replies. after a while I started getting replies and made some good friends. If it's just freindship than be it. I love having female's friend's. I keep in touch with about five of them and its great for me. If I'm looking for sex you go to parties or clubs don't trust the street walker if you know what I mean.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:02 PM
I try to write back to most of the ppl who write to me if im not to busy(even if im not interested).. but sometimes Im just too busy...I dont think its something to get upset over though if someone does not respondflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 02:29 PM
explode well I just signed up yesterday and every1 I wrote didn't reply yet even tho they were online when I wrote them But u could just say sorry not my type

CraniumDesigns's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:18 PM
some people msg me. i reply to the cool guys and the cute girls, all the interested girls im not into, i block.

now this may come off as mean, but would you rather i not waste your time by leading you on and being nice? i would rather a girl ignore my msgs than say im not interested. ill msg once, wait a while, then maybe msg one more time. if no response, i give up on trying to contact them and leave the ball in their court.

lulu24's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:28 PM
okay, i'm guilty...i often do NOT answer.

my profile CLEARLY states that i'm not looking for anything...and so i ignore anyone that's hitting on me.

i have a finite amount of energy and time, and many responsibilities. i answer questions and speak with my friends...but other than that, i'm keeping mum.

just because you send me a message does NOT mean that i owe a response.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:34 PM
well, lulu i understand why you do that, but these girls profiles SAY to message them to learn more etc. So you advertise yourself as message yet you ignore everyone who does hmm? Yea a little hypocritical if you ask me.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:44 PM

explode well I just signed up yesterday and every1 I wrote didn't reply yet even tho they were online when I wrote them But u could just say sorry not my type

story of my e-life right there.

LOL, stupid internetz

texasrose9's photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:45 PM
I try to respond to most of the messages I receive, even if only a brief response. Sometimes, though, I do not respond, and there could be various reasons. I have initially not responded to someone, only to learn more about them in the forums than I could ascertain from their profile..... and subsequently contacted them myself.
I am definitely more likely to respond to those who I see post in a forum. It's like being at a big huge party, with several different conversations taking place. You learn more and more about folks as you see how they carry on their "conversations" or posts.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:46 PM
Looks like i'm never gonna get what I want. :'(

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 08:31 PM

Looks like i'm never gonna get what I want. :'(

Still hard at it huh.. You got how many threads going on this? How many times have you mentioned it in other threads?

Do you realize you are like watching a train wreck in slow motion?

Do you really think that any woman worth knowing is going to look at all this and jump into your arms? Or avoid you with a purpose?

This is a cronological history of what you've been up to.
Wed 12/19/07 08:35 AM

if you ignore peoples messages?

i'd ask every girl who's local to me on the site why she's such a rude douche

yea well consider they all ignore me and never respond what's the difference? either that or they talk to me then suddenly stop. So yep

what really pisses me off is that we're all here for almost the same thing (to find someone to date) and the people near me all seem shallow. If you're here why not just try and see what happens? I guess i'm alone in this feeling?

its hard not to sweat it when u send out like 40 emails get 2 responses then the person just quits emailing you for no reason.. at least say sorry i'm not interested instead of just straight up ignoring someone ya kno

im so soured on this site because everyone just freakin ignores me or acts like they like me then just suddenly stops talking. is anyone on here actually honest? (amongst people near me of course everyone else is pretty nice and up front about things)

its hard not to sweat it when u send out like 40 emails get 2 responses then the person just quits emailing you for no reason.. at least say sorry i'm not interested instead of just straight up ignoring someone ya kno

haha i get no emails unless im friends w/ someone. i emailed pretty much every "local" some respond then just stop responding w/e screw em their loss.

I'm feeling kinda down cuz I was emailing someone and they suddenly stopped ****ing douchebag

I would maybe but it seems everyone I contact turns out to be psychotic or stops having interest after a while. Either that or the people I email don't say anything back :(

[qoute]Well I just want emails back I email people no one emails back or people who email back turn out to be idiots
because every girl I seem to attract gets unattracted for no reason. Plus I have no time in real life to find a girlfriend and every girl I find on here screws me over.

I want emails :( No one emails me back ;_;
[quoteyea whatever i just wish i had more time in real life to dedicate to finding a girlfriend seems every girl I find on here flakes out on me one way or another.
Okay so I talked to this girl a lot yesterday seemed really interested. I talk to her a bit tonight then all of a sudden she says we have nothing in common. So I'm pretty much thinking now (she wont date me cuz of this) she just led me on and is a pretty big jerkoff. Oh well I'm just pissed cuz it's retarded to lead someone on then just let them off like that. Sounds like shes just a bull**** artist or really stupid.

Sat 12/15/07 07:32 PM
well i ended up emailing someone new she responded and now we're talking on aim

Do yourself a favor and stop!
If you can't do it for you.. do it for us. It's almost painfull to watch.

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