Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 12 | |
reflecting that hiding the body requires putting a stop to procrastinating
Procrastinating is what I do best
best of what she does for sure
Sure you want to keep being a brat right now, the burritos still need fixing
fixing to go back to work so i'm not tempted
Tempted to say something, but I won't
Won't is often the better option especially when burritos (sunken or dry?) are involved
Involved in making dry burritos for the neanderthal's lunches.
Lunches are something that I need to be fixing |
Fixing quiche as well for my breakfasts.
Coffee is a lifesaver, especially after a night of excessive drinking
Drinking water is better for one’s body...
Body checks for any symptoms are now happening quite often
Often I wonder if working where I do is such a good idea.
Idea of sleeping in a room that is totally dark and quiet is not for me.
Me, I love sleeping in a room that's totally dark and quiet.
Quiet is what I need right now...
Now is a good time to quiet the mind.
Mind sometimes seems to have a "mind" of its own and ignores the heck out of me!
Me thinks taking it easy today sounds good.